A Quote by Dominic Calvert-Lewin

If you get the cross in there's always a chance I can head it into the back of the net. — © Dominic Calvert-Lewin
If you get the cross in there's always a chance I can head it into the back of the net.
Not to be too preachy, but I would really recommend to people, if you get the chance, to trust yourselves to leap without a net, because that will build the confidence. You know, you might shock yourself with how much you don't need a net because you can catch yourself.
I'd like to think I can put myself in positions where I can get the odd half-chance to score, that's what I was best known for and I like to think if the chances came along I'd be able to stick them in the back of the net.
I used to visualise the stadium erupting as the ball hit the back of the net. I erased all negative thoughts from my head.
In the Cross is salvation; in the Cross is life; in the Cross is protection against our enemies; in the Cross is infusion of heavenly sweetness; in the Cross is strength of mind; in the Cross is joy of spirit; in the Cross is excellence of virtue; in the Cross is perfection of holiness. There is no salvation of soul, nor hope of eternal life, save in the Cross.
You don't turn the cheek. I was always taught you turn your head at somebody coming after you, you're going to get hit in the back of the head or worse.
It's difficult as a player once you have gone back to Brazil to get that second chance in Europe. Sometimes you only get one chance.
The right moment wears a full head of hair: when it has been missed, you can't get it back; it's bald in the back of the head and never turns around.
I always appreciated the ex-players. Being a Yankee, you get spoiled. Old-Timers Day, all these guys coming back, spring training, being around them, you get a chance to get to know them. So I always think you learn a lot by listening.
The welfare system was designed to do something different when it was started than what it does now. It was a safety net to help people get back to work: if they were sick, it would help them get back.
There is always a chance to get even and I'm proud of the fact that for all the blows I always got back up again. That's what makes me most content.
The spot where God's triumph is achieved, God's victory over sin, over lawlessness, is the cross of Calvary- the cross on which the Son of God died. In that cross and through the cross the works of the devil were destroyed, and the One who conquered him is yet to bruise the serpent's head in the final triumph when He comes again, as recorded in prophecy.
One of the dangers about net-net investing is that if you buy a net-net that begins to lose money your net-net goes down and your capacity to be able to make a profit becomes less secure. So the trick is not necessarily to predict what the earnings are going to be but to have a clear conviction that the company isn't going bust and that your margin of safety will remain intact over time.
Whenever you get a chance, you take it, so I just need to keep my head up, keep working hard every day, so if I get my chance, I'll take it.
I don't care what color your hair is, if you're pale or tan, if you have makeup on or just woke up all I care about is that when I look at you, you always look back and see me. You're beautiful inside and out and if you wanted to tattoo all that pretty white skin from head to toe I would be honored to put it there for you but if not I'll take you all smooth and milky white any chance I get.
I want to be able to help out and give back to people and give them something nice to be able to train at and get a chance to get a head start on things. And just continue to push out my brother's story while I reach out to kids.
It is easy for desire to be caught like a bird in a net, its wings fouled and twisted, no longer free to cross back and forth between silence and word. Desire may also find itself so amputated by tradition and community that it wanders in a void with nothing to orient it, to shape or discipline it. Desire must find ways to navigate its bitter and sweet paradox: it moves toward but also always through and beyond every object.
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