A Quote by Don Bluth

Usually with things, you go where you can find the financing to do it. — © Don Bluth
Usually with things, you go where you can find the financing to do it.

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To have a healthy culture, you have to have stable health care financing and stable arts financing and stable sports financing, and if you don't have that, your culture becomes a parking lot.
Thus, the use of fiat money is more justifiable in financing a depression than in financing a war.
I've had this opportunity to get some of my financing out of Europe, which has helped tremendously, so I'm not completely dependent on the studio system or on U.S. financing.
I'm an independent filmmaker with complete creative control of my films. I hire who I want. I have final cut. But at the same time, I go directly to Hollywood for financing and distribution. I find it's best for me to work within the Hollywood system.
I'm in full transparency here of "Yeah, I'm trying to find my financing."
I've been a strong supporter of public financing my whole career. I'm the first guy to introduce a public financing bill to the United States Senate in 1973.
[It] has a lot of things in it that I like, but I think it's way too hard on financing things from immigrants.
Public control of the political process requires public financing. The restoration of our American Democracy depends upon public financing.
My mother passed away, my marriage ended, and I moved. Those are some pretty big things to let go of. But I find that if you hold on to something too tightly, you strangle it and yourself. If you don't let go, and let things go through you, it's toxic - physically.
You can find the money, you'll be okay, but the things that you choose to invest your energy in, that shapes your life and your path and where you go from there. I find that when I'm a part of things that I believe in and I love, it leads to more things like that.
The great thing is that young talent isn't tied to a how-to model for starting a line; we get to find new ways to go about doing things. And don't let people tell you you can't. Go find a way to show that you can.
In the U.S. box-office driven industry, if you want to do a smaller personal film, you have to find your own financing.
I don't find the same things funny that many other people seem to find funny. I don't really respond to sex jokes and things like that, and some of my friends look at me and go, "Come on, Nic, that was my best joke. Why aren't you laughing?" I go, "I really don't know why I'm not laughing. I'm sort of out of sync with it." So I'd have to find something that was really about weird human behavior for me to laugh.
Public campaign financing isn't perfect and can doubtlessly be improved upon as we go.
We have to go into fundamentalist mosques; we have to stop foreign financing of Islamist groups.
In the pre-Internet age you had to find gay things - or things that were slightly radioactive with erotic interest. You had to go to the library, you had to find the books; you had to find the coded things. When everything's available and everything's okay, what does it become? It becomes shopping. We're shopping all the time, basically, whether for objects, or people. On Manhunt or Grindr, or whatever. It's click to buy.
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