A Quote by Don Marquis

Some persons are likeable in spite of their unswerving integrity. — © Don Marquis
Some persons are likeable in spite of their unswerving integrity.
Let unswerving integrity be your watchword.
Some are in it for the money, which is fine. Some of them are in it to be a movie star; that's another reason. Some actors - and this I never understand - will only play likeable characters. And if they're not likeable, they change them to be heroic.
Richard III is not likeable. Macbeth is not likeable. Hamlet is not likeable. And yet you can't take your eyes off them. I'm far more interested in that than I am in any sort of likeability.
The essence of being human is that, in the brief moment we exist on this spinning planet, we can love some persons and some things, in spite of the fact that time and death will ultimately claim us all.
If one had to define one essential gift with which a dancer needs to be endowed, there might be a rush of answers. A beautiful body, grace of line, graciousness of spirit, joy in the work, ability to please, unswerving integrity, relentless ambition towards some abstract perfection. Certainly all these factors determine a dancer's character, and every element exists in some combination within the performing artist's presence.
We need to practice acting in spite of fear, in spite of doubt, in spite of worry, in spite of uncertainty, in spite of inconvenience, in spite of discomfort, and even to practice acting when we're not in the mood to act.
You have to be brave and not always play likeable people. It's difficult, because there's a demand for the hero or heroine to be very likeable.
My theory of what makes people likeable stars is that they're likeable.
The most interesting characters keep us hooked. Not likeable ones! Iago, Shylock, Darth Vader - are they likeable? Do you want to invite them to dinner?
When law enforcers are shown to have such unswerving integrity, only the most churlish among us would question the methods they use to "get their man." Constitutional guarantees are regarded as bothersome "technicalities" that impede honest law enforcers in the performance of their duties.
We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs, in spite of its failure to fulfill many of its extravagant promises of health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so stories, because we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism... We cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door.
My definition of likeable may be different from other people's. That's not traditional likeable. Sympathy is a different thing [to define it].
Some persons never attain to the happy art of perspicuous expression, and it is equally true that some persons, thro' a mental defect of their own, will judge the most correct and certain language of others to be indefinite and ambiguous.
Ted Cruz is a nice guy, a likeable guy. He's not crazy. He's not nasty. And he certainly is not - he's not a liar. He's a down - down the middle guy that I - anybody could trust. He has got plenty of integrity.
God's Word is pure and sure, in spite of the devil, in spite of your fear, in spite of everything.
There are some persons who only disgust with their abilities, there are persons who please even with their faults.
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