A Quote by Don Meyer

You never realize the value of coaching until your children play for a coach — © Don Meyer
You never realize the value of coaching until your children play for a coach
A good coach is postive. Your job when coaching is not correcting mistakes, finding fault, and assessing blame. Instead, your function is achieving goals by coaching your staff to peak performance. Focusing on the positive means that you start with what's good and what works, and spend your attention and energy there.
Coaching is something that takes place only when learning does. No matter what you are doing in your practices, if your players are not learning something significant, you're really not coaching. If a player fails in a game, the coach may have failed in practice.
You never realize how much you value something until you are faced with the prospect of losing it.
I think any player would tell you when you've got a coach that believes in you and you don't have to be looking over your shoulder after every play you do, and you can just go out and play, that's the coach you want to have on your team.
How would I coach LeBron and Lonzo? Guess what, less coaching is the best coaching. Let them do what they do.
I think when you have strong leadership at the coaching level and you empower the coach and the coaching staff, you have a lot more stability.
I would love to coach and teach people about football. It's just that the time constraints are so tough to coach, especially when you have seven kids and they are growing up. I'm just in too blessed of a situation to spend from five in the morning until 12 at night coaching and not watching my kids grow up.
There is still a big onus to be coached. I understand the best teams don't need a huge amount of coaching, but that's when a coach should decide not to do coaching.
You learn a lot as a coach when you sit back and tell someone what to do, and then you realize, 'Hey, I need to start doing that myself.' I think coaching can improve a fighter's game tremendously.
I learnt a lot about coaching from observing other coaches. I would recommend that they attend coaching courses and coach development opportunities wherever possible
I've been coaching the sport for a number of years. And I went through many athletes. Some athletes stay with your program for a long, long period of time. Some athletes, they have a different approach as far as coaching style or your philosophies. I totally respect their own opinions - they have the right to choose their own coach.
No matter how you total success in the coaching profession it all comes down to a single factor - talent. There may be a hundred great coaches of whom you have never heard in basketball, football, or any sport who will probably never receive the acclaim they deserve simply because they have not been blessed with the talent. Although not every coach can win consistently with talent, no coach can win without it.
So I don't really believe that how many years you've had in the league determines how well your players play... Coaching is coaching.
I didn't realize the difference between coaching college and coaching the NBA. It's a totally different animal.
I think there is a lot of experiences you have in coaching, and if you learn from the experiences as you go through them, whether it's as a coordinator or position coach, a quality-control coach, a head coach, whatever it might be, and you learn from those mistakes you make.
If a Coach is determined to stay in the coaching profession, he will develop from year to year. This much is true, no coach has a monopoly on the knowledge of basketball. There are no secrets in the game. The only secrets, if there are any, are good teaching of sound fundamentals, intelligent handling of men, a sound system of play, and the ability to instill in the boys a desire to win.
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