A Quote by Donald Faison

If you can figure out what their motivation is, then you're ahead of the game. I think that's why a lot of people who are in this industry don't have a lot of friends - but have a lot of acquaintances - because you never know what everyone's ulterior motives are.
To me, being popular means I've got more friends. You've got to watch who your friends are, if you want to get close to them, but I've got a lot of acquaintances. And then, you've got to be real careful who your friends are, because you never know why they're your friend.
I want the music to be heard as close to when I made it, as much as possible. I don't want to get into some "future of the music industry" thing, or where I stand on digital this or that, but I think it's ridiculous that a lot of people in the industry plan so far ahead that it makes a lot of improvisation impossible and makes a lot of people's expectations fixed and not fluid.
A lot of people say I've missed out on a lot because I started acting at such a young age. What's so obvious to me is that I actually was really lucky. I gained a lot and I got a head start in what I wanted to do in life. A lot of people in their late 20s, early 30s are just beginning to figure out where they want to go.
I see that things are getting made a lot faster for less money and there are a lot less opportunity, I think, for actors. There's not a lot of work in the U.K. I mean, that's why everyone's moving to America because that's where the work seems to be. But it definitely feels like a lot more of a slog to get a gig these days. I suppose that's a lot to do with our current climate and financial messes. I certainly see that people seem to have to work harder with a lot less time.
To me, it was never about what I accomplished on the football field. It was about the way I played the game. I played the game with a lot of determination, a lot of poise, a lot of pride and I think what you saw out there...was an individual who really just loved the game.
I believe that that's why you see all these Pew studies that come out that a lot of people are walking away from the faith. A lot of people are changing what they believe because they really feel lied to. I think that it's very important for people to know what they're signing up for.
I think it's natural if you're doing a lot of comedy to do a lot of drama, because you have to figure out the real version of the joke.
It's interesting because a lot of my 16-year-old kids' friends know me from 'Wedding Crashers,' and not so much Bond. My kids have a good laugh. I was 20 then. The look I had then was the look that a lot of their friends are assuming now. They think it's cool. What goes around comes around.
I think if you come out to California trying to be an actor, it's pretty hard. There's desperation. A lot of people are desperate, and a lot of people are clueless, including me. It's hard to try to figure it out. I've never told you, but I have head shots that if you saw them... they're so terrible! It's so embarrassing.
The way I look at it within myself, why not? Why can't I be the MVP of the League? Why can't I be the best player in the League? I don't see why-why-why can't I do that? I think I work hard, I think I dedicate myself to the game and sacrifice a lot of things at a young age and I know if I continue to do good, what I can get out of it and if that's me going out or doing whatever, I'm willing to do it because I know in the long run, it's going to help me.
I think its natural if youre doing a lot of comedy to do a lot of drama, because you have to figure out the real version of the joke.
Going into a game, I know that I'm going to run a lot. I know I'm going to have a lot of volume, and I know that I'm going to get hit a lot, which is great. Sometimes we try to deliver some blows, too, try to break as many tackles as possible. We know it's going to hurt the next day. That's why we love the game.
People don't actually, a lot of times, know the game behind the game. If people think that they do, it's a little bit of a naïve assessment of how the [writing] industry works.
A lot of my friends were a lot into theatre a lot earlier than I was. A lot of my friends were kids who were in The Broadway Kids and the kids auditioning for Gavroche in 'Les Miz.' I was never that kid. I was weaned on Michael Jackson. Not literally, because that would have been odd.
It's sad. There's a lot about this industry that a lot of people don't know about and don't find out about. There are a lot of tough things and trials and stuff that you're faced with. Sometimes, God has other plans for people. Sometimes bands can't stick through it. It depends on the situation. Keep praying for the bands that you like, seriously, because a lot of things will try to get in the way of being together. We've been blessed with not deal with those yet, but if we ever did...?
I think initially, the record industry struggled a lot with digital media because there are a lot of aspects to it that can potentially destroy our industry.
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