A Quote by Donald Trump

If you hang around with losers you become a loser — © Donald Trump
If you hang around with losers you become a loser
If you run around with 9 losers pretty soon you'll be the 10th loser.
This is a war universe. War all the time. That is its nature. There may be other universes based on all sorts of other principles, but ours seems to be based on war and games. All games are basically hostile. Winners and losers. We see them all around us: the winners and the losers. The losers can oftentimes become winners, and the winners can very easily become losers.
I often hear that Gintama is very kind to losers. The thought that “a failure like me can still keep living when I read this manga.” But I didn't intentionally draw losers. I've been told that it's because I'm a loser too. Well, fine. But honestly, I think everyone's a loser. The only difference is the skin we put on. Once you open the lid and look inside, everyone's the same.
The culture war is between the winners and those who think they're losers who want to become winners. The losers think the only way they can become winners is by banding together all the losers and them empowering a leader of the losers to make things right for them.
There are two sorts of losers - the good loser, and the one who can't act.
If losers can exploit what their adversaries teach them, yes, losers can become winners in the long term.
It's OK to sit in the Golden Globe room and look around and think, 'Oh, Helen Mirren's a loser tonight, so is Nicole Kidman. Meryl Streep lost tonight. Jessica Lange didn't win.' If you're gonna be in the company of losers, that's the company to be in.
The thing that keeps me going is that I love what I am doing. And I stay young because I don't hang around old people, if you hang around old people you are going to become old!
I have a problem with that silver medal. It's like, 'Congratulation s, you almost won. Of all the losers, you're the number one loser. No one lost ahead of you.'
Start thinking positively. You will notice a difference. Instead of 'I think I'm a loser,' try 'I definitely am a loser.' Stop being wishy-washy about things! How much more of a loser can you be if you don't even know you are one? Either you are a loser or you are not. Which is it, stupid?
I am proud of being a bad loser. Bad losers are winners. That is the way it should be.
You become what you do. How and what you become depends on environmental influence so you become who you hang around. Raise the standard your peers must meet and you'll raise your expectations of yourself. If your environment is not making you better, change it.
Loser loser, double loser, whatever, as if, get the picture. DUH!
You've got to realize that in any competition there is always a winner and loser. When it turns out that you're the loser on a given day, you can be a graceful loser, but it doesn't mean that you're a loser in the sense that you're willing to accept losses readily. Concede that on that day you weren't the best and that you were beaten in competition. But that should make you more dedicated and hard working. It's wrong to accept defeat as a loser. Be graceful about losing, but don't accept it.
If You Hang Around with a Bunch of Blunderers Long Enough, you Will Become One Yourself.
I'd rather hang out with the losers that would sit and smoke a cigarette than the ones who wanted to throw a baseball.
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