A Quote by Donald Trump

I like thinking big. If you're going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big. — © Donald Trump
I like thinking big. If you're going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big.
If you go into a tournament thinking that you're not going to do anything, you might as well not be there because you won't achieve anything.
As long as you're going to be thinking, think big.
If you're going to be thinking anyway, think big!
It's awful to have to, but I've started thinking about that, you know. 86. I'm thinking, well, maybe I might make it to 90. At least I'd like to have my brains.
As long as your going to be thinking anyway, think big.
My thought process when I'm on the court is always thinking about getting better, and thinking about how I'm playing. Thinking about it as a process, as the big picture and what I need to work on, instead of being close-minded and thinking, 'I'm so nervous and have to win this match, if I don't, it'll be the worst.'
You are what you think. So just think big, believe big, act big, work big, give big, forgive big, laugh big, love big and live big.
One big learning from Thiel fellowship was think really big and create an impact, without thinking if anybody has done it before.
Now comes the big question: What are you going to write about? And the equally big answer: Anything you damn well want. Anything at all .... as long as you tell the truth.
Back then, it's weird, because I wasn't consciously thinking about it and I think that's why the doors opened and I had the opportunity. It was a big shift and I realized that you can plan and think your life is going somewhere, but you also have to surrender to what opportunities present themselves and really go for those as well.
If I hadn't spent a big chunk of time in academia I might not have the depth of consciousness I do about ideas like that. I might think, for instance, that Freud was no big deal in terms of the shape of social organization then or now. I might think that the discourses of politics and law are real and stable and fair.
I'm not a nervous guy, because I don't think too far ahead. Fear is just thinking about what's going to happen next, right? So if you're not thinking, you can't be scared of anything.
When we hear music that we love that changes the world for us, we might as well at least aspire to something like that and aim high. You're probably not going to get beyond your dreams. So you might as well make them big.
The only thing I can be sure of at any given time is what I am thinking myself. I have no idea what the others are thinking. Do they think space is big and dangerous? I do. What do they believe in? I think nobody ought to be alone. That one should be with someone. With friends. With the person one loves. I think it is important to love. I think it's the most important thing.
I just try to do day to day. I'm really bad like that. People get annoyed with me for not thinking far enough in advance. Not having these big, grand goals. There's so much going on in the present. I have trouble dealing with anything longer than that.
The mind is more powerful than anything. So, during the birth I wasn't thinking about the pain. I was in a meditation state. I was concentrating the whole time, thinking, 'Oh my God, it's time. I am going to meet my baby. What is he going to look like?'
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