A Quote by Donald Trump

America would have a disaster on trade, and America will have a disaster with open borders. — © Donald Trump
America would have a disaster on trade, and America will have a disaster with open borders.
Trump is a cultural candidate for president, not an economic one. He clearly loves America and wants America to stay America. America won't be America if it has open borders and mass Muslim immigration.
I don't believe in open borders, I don't think that would work. I think economically they're a disaster. Therefore there's nothing wrong with strong borders.
When you study, as I did, every theatrical beginning in this country, none of them have been greeted well. The Royal Shakespeare Company was a disaster, Peter Hall was a disaster, Richard Eyre was a disaster, Trevor Nunn was always a disaster.
Back in the 1950s, America set out to intervene in Syria, liberate the people from a corrupt elite, and bring about a new democracy. They did this with the best of intentions, but it led to disaster. And out of that disaster, the Assad regime rose to power.
America has lost 70,000 factories since China entered the World Trade Organization, WTO, another Bill and Hillary Clinton backed disaster.
I think our trade policies, for many, many years, have been a disaster. They have benefited corporate America at the expense of working people.
This nation can no longer tolerate the autonomous conduct of any single service. A waste of the resources of America in spendthrift defense is an invitation to disaster for America.
I think it would be a disaster if Donald Trump is elected. It will also be a disaster if Hillary Clinton is elected.
Donald Trump, having spent decades in the public eye as an entertainer, may not understand what the nuclear triad is, or what America's 'first use' nuclear policy is, or why starting a trade war would be a disaster. But he does understand storytelling, the power of a clear narrative, and the importance of stirring emotion.
Romney economics would spell disaster for America's middle class. In this economy there are shipbuilders and ship wreckers.
It is some disaster for any mind to hold any one thing for truth that is untrue, however insignificant it be, or however honestly it be held. It is a greater disaster when the false prejudice bars the way to some truth behind it, which, but for it, would find an entrance to the soul; and the greatness of the disaster will in this case be measured by the importance of the excluded truth.
The vast majority of Americans are employed in service sector industries, and many of those sectors are highly internationalized. The most high-value added sectors, notably the tech sector, is massively globalized. And, for them, it would be a disaster if America's trade policy was to go down a spiraling route towards protectionism.
I would argue that electing Donald Trump would be a disaster for minorities; it would be a disaster when it comes to foreign policy.
Hillary Clinton will be a disaster for our country, a disaster in so many other ways.
Afghanistan is an expensive disaster for America.
In America, we trade more energy with our neighbors than we trade with the rest of the world combined. And I do want us to have an electric grid, an energy system that crosses borders. I think that would be a great benefit to us.
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