A Quote by Donald Trump

It's always interesting to watch people who have been incredibly successful in their own businesses work in a group made up of equally strong personalities. It takes a special kind of leader who can effectively manage a team of veritable strangers and find the best way to get strong, winning performances from them.
I like movies that have strong personalities, and Michel Gondry is so creative that his films are always something special to watch.
I have 18 tattoos. My tattoos have kind of become their own person. Everybody does stories on them. It is risky to be successful in the fashion industry and to tat your body up, but I figured, the way that I made my career and the way that I am successful is because I have always been myself.
I believe a family can be like that sports team. A successful family wins as a team. But if its members are intent upon winning their own individual battles with one another, the team loses. A winning solution is to work out the differences and, when it's over, let it be over. Then they can get back in the game as a team.
Different personalities inspire me as an actor. Especially quirky personalities, maybe people I wouldn't normally get along with or be friends with - I find them inspiring for my work. I find sad emotions to be inspiring and stories of great people that kind of overcame odds.
Producing major change in an organization is not just about signing up one charismatic leader. You need a group - a team - to be able to drive the change. One person, even a terrific charismatic leader, is never strong enough to make all this happen.
People always ask what's it like to grow up as a Kennedy. It's a family. It's big, it's large, it's amazing. You've got strong personalities with strong opinions. And we'll come out differently on some of those opinions.
I've always been a leader. I've always kind of been the tallest person on the team when I was younger but always kind of the smartest. I was ahead of my time. I wasn't always the oldest, I kind of was the youngest on the team, but, I kind of knew what to do at times.
I know winning 20 is a special kind of thing, but I'd rather get into the playoffs, and be strong for the playoffs.
The person who lets them get you down, any kind of problem, is the person that fades out. So you've got to be strong enough; you don't like it, but you've got to be strong enough to accept what's going on and that you're going to fight it or whatever it takes to overcome this matter. That's the way I feel.
Usually, when special effects get in the way, it's because the story isn't strong enough. If you don't start with a strong screenplay, it's easy to fall back on special effects, thinking it's going to carry you. But it never works. It's just tiresome.
I have a strong, inspiring, and professional group of women around me with Boels-Dolmans. We race and train incredibly hard as a team.
People have been very strong against Obamacare since I was first elected, and they still feel that way. They want us to work to get rid of it. They also are very strong for keeping the government running.
If you want, you can try and get a broader perspective, or you can find people who are absolutely out of their minds, or find people that are doing incredibly complex and interesting and urgent journalism. And the same goes for our show. It's a prism into people's own ideologies, when they watch our program. This is just our take.
When building a strong team, you need a strong leader.
Drug addiction is an incredibly difficult challenge to manage on one's own. When I think of all the stories I've heard from people, the common denominator is that they all were ultimately able to find somebody who was willing to support them. Maybe it was someone they knew, like a parent or a sibling or a friend; other times it was a treatment center with a compassionate staff who didn't give up on them. That made all the difference.
I help my team win. That's overall what I do best. If you watch me play, I'm usually going to be on the winning team. Whether it's scoring enough points or rebounding enough or guarding the best player on the other team, I'm gonna do what it takes to win.
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