A Quote by Donald Trump

Hillary Clinton is taken in massive amounts of money from foreign countries and other things. — © Donald Trump
Hillary Clinton is taken in massive amounts of money from foreign countries and other things.
Hillary Clinton is pretty much what we would call a foreign-policy realist, someone who thinks the purpose of American foreign policy should be to adjust the foreign policies of other countries, work closely with traditional allies in Europe and Asia towards that end.
A woman who pretends to be a feminist shouldn't be taking money from countries where women are stoned, where women are killed for adultery, where women can't drive, Hillary Clinton's taken hundreds of millions of dollars from those countries.
[Hillary Clinton] poses as a feminist, and she's taken money from countries that stone women, kill women, have women . . .
Hillary Clinton and her husband set up a private foundation called the Clinton Foundation. While she was secretary of state, the Clinton foundation accepted tens of millions of dollars from foreign governments and foreign donors. Now y'all need to know out there, this is basic stuff, foreign donors and certainly foreign governments cannot participate in the American political process.
I focus most of my attention on Hillary Clinton and her disastrous policies. I mean, there's a real danger in this election. Electing Hillary Clinton in an era where we now are so pessimistic about the future, would double down on [Barack] Obama economics and a failed foreign policy - so most of my attention is about my record and about defeating Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton is spending hundreds of millions of dollars. I mean, tremendous vast amounts of money in advertising against me.
When I raise money for the veterans, and it's a massive amount of money, find out how much Hillary Clinton's given to the veterans. Nothing.
I don`t think Hillary Clinton is going to support any of the things that you stand for if you`re a Republican. I`m going to go fight for the principles and the solutions that I believe in and the candidate that I think is so much more likely to put those into law because I know Hillary Clinton won`t do that. It`s a binary choice. It is either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. You don`t get a third option. It`s one or the other. And I know where I want to go.
I think the accusations are about Hillary Clinton taking money from countries that kill women.
We will have a massive, massive tax increase under Hillary Clinton's plan.
This is sort of typical Hillary Clinton: to do things that are not legal, to say that they are, and then try to cover them up. Hillary Clinton severely chastised other whistleblowers for using Internet channels that were not secure, and yet she herself was doing that with private, high-level State Department information.
Bill and Hillary Clinton are married, so under the law, paying him for a speech is like giving money directly to her [Hillary Clinton] - to the Secretary of State. I cannot think of a comparable 'pay to play' scandal.
I know our congressmen hasn't done it, has anybody put a server in their basement? Oh boy, Hillary Clinton's only - Hillary Clinton's only experience in cyber security involves her criminal scheme to violate federal law, engineering a massive cover up and putting the entire nation in harm's way.
WikiLeaks released new Clinton campaign e-mails revealing how friendly Hillary [Clinton] was with the attorney general, Loretta Lynch.This was only months prior to Lynch's investigation of Hillary's illegal secret e-mail server that gave foreign governments access to our confidential information.
Hillary Clinton doesn't give anybody anything. With Hillary Clinton it's all incoming. There's no outgoing, there's no outflow with Hillary Clinton.
Paul Ryan is the mercenary champion of Hillary Clinton's - this is Hillary Clinton's. This came out of the State Department. This Trans Pacific Partnership is going to export our jobs. It's going to import foreign workers to replace Americans and our jobs.
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