A Quote by Donald Trump

I have been involved with this stuff [newspapers, television] all my life, but I'm involved, so I know when you're telling the truth and when you're not. — © Donald Trump
I have been involved with this stuff [newspapers, television] all my life, but I'm involved, so I know when you're telling the truth and when you're not.
The reporting is fake. Look, look...You know what it is? Here's the thing. The public isn't - you know, they read newspapers, they see television, they watch. They don't know if it's true or false because they're not involved.But I'm involved. So I know when you're telling the truth or when you're not. I just see many, many untruthful things.
The public read newspapers, see television, they watch, they don't know if it's true or false because they're not involved.
Very often on some of this stuff when I'd have to go to work. I'd just give the script a cursory glance. I had no training, and I was a quick study, so nobody knew how involved or not involved I was. But I look at that stuff now and I can see I wasn't involved, and I wasn't very good.
My son, he is the reason I got involved. It's been a joy to be around him and teach him the stuff that I know, and to the other kids as well. When he started playing I wanted to be involved in his hockey career. It's a lot of fun for both of us.
I think there are a lot of people who are involved in the Tea Party who have very real and sincere concerns about spending that's out of control or generally philosophically believe that the government should be less involved in certain aspects of American life rather than more involved. And they have every right and obligation as citizens to be involved and engaged in this process.
That's possible to likely. We're involved, you and me. I'm telling you what I'm going to do because I figure when people are involved, when they matter, they tell each other.
The truth is I was Labor's last immigration minister and you have a right to hear directly from me about what that job involved, the choices that involved and how that lends us to think very carefully when we use words like 'compassion, [that] we actually know the exact context.
I was involved with MySpace and Facebook and everything at a very young age because it's so casual now, and I'm into texting, obviously. But I've never been involved in any type of chat room. My parents are pretty cautious about it and know all my passwords and know who my friends are and who I'm talking to.
My job, live television, broadcasting, there's mania involved in there, too, but it's the good stuff.
Those of us involved in TV have a habit of using the word 'landmark' a bit too readily. I have been involved in a couple of television projects that, while we were making them, felt quite landmark-ish, but that in retrospect were just good TV.
I know how critical that is, having a mother and father involved in your life, and I'm going to continue to be the most involved father hopefully that you'll ever see.
I've been involved in social activism my entire life, and I would argue that many people involved in social activist movements have done very little work on themselves.
I love every aspect of the show. I've been very involved. It was important for me to be very involved in, you know, all of the creative elements. And so, you know, it - David, you know, being brought onto the show, you know, that - I always just wanted to make sure that we maintained the sophistication and intelligence of (the) - and the comedy that we were able to establish in the mini-series.
I've been quite involved in a lot of U.N. operations over the years. I was a U.N. observer at the East Timor referendum in 2000. I've been very involved in that for a long time.
Over the years, I've been involved in many business crises. I qualify this, since my crises have never involved life and death or the survival of the human race. But they are still crises.
We've been fully involved in making our music, and to be personally involved is what we really asked for.
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