A Quote by Donald Trump

For seven years, I have been hearing repeal and replace from Congress. And I have been hearing it loud and strong. And then, when we finally get a chance to repeal and replace, they don't take advantage of it. We will let Obamacare fail, and then the Democrats are going to come to us and they're going to say, how do we fix it, how do we fix it?
My poll numbers are going through the roof. You know why? I really believe a big part of it is Obamacare, because we`re going to repeal it and replace it. Obamacare has to be replaced. And we will do it and we will do it very, very quickly. It is a catastrophe. If we don`t repeal and replace Obamacare, we will destroy American health care forever.
To those who say it would be too difficult to repeal and replace Obamacare, I say it's a two step process. We repeal the Pelosi Congress in 2010 and replace the Obama Administration in 2012.
Obamacare rewrote Medicare... so if you're going to repeal and replace Obamacare, you have to address those issues as well... What people don't realize is that Medicare is going broke, that Medicare is going to have price controls... So you have to deal with those issues if you're going to repeal and replace Obamacare.
I campaigned in 2012 all over this country for months: 'Repeal and replace Obamacare.' That was not the mandate of the voters. If they wanted to repeal Obamacare, the 2012 election would have been probably significantly different.
Donald Trump said - as a show of good faith - he was gonna work with people to try to replace Obamacare, to repeal and replace it rather than just to let it implode, let it fail.
I want, we're going to repeal and replace Obamacare. Obamacare is a total and complete disaster. It's going to be gone.
How does the GOP repeal and replace Obamacare without cutting the benefits upon which millions of Americans have come to rely?
We’ve begun preparing to repeal and replace Obamacare…I know you can say, oh, Obamacare. I mean, they fill up our rallies with people that you wonder how they get there, but they are not the Republican people our representatives are representing.
Obamacare if failing, we're going to repeal it and we're going to replace it.
The public knows how many good things there are as part of the Affordable Care Act. The Republicans say they're going to repeal. They don't know what to replace it with.
You can't fix a fundamentally broken law; you've got to replace it. That's why Congress can't save Obamacare with a few tweaks, despite what its defenders say. No quick fix can correct the main flaw: The law takes power away from patients and hands it to bureaucrats.
For those of us who originally disagreed with ObamaCare and now disagree with the majority opinion of the SCOTUS, the challenge remains the same as it would have been had the Court ruled otherwise. We need to elect Mitt Romney and House and Senate majorities that will repeal ObamaCare and replace it with free-market, pro-liberty solutions.
We have to repeal and replace Obamacare.
People voted for Donald Trump. They want to repeal and replace ObamaCare. And we will.
That's Donald Trump negotiating position. "Okay. If we can't vote to repeal Obamacare, I'm standing by and I'm letting it die. I'm letting it implode. I'm gonna let it fail, and it's on the Democrats, and I'll make sure everybody knows it's on the Democrats. I am not gonna own this sucker. It isn't mine. I had nothing to do with it. I've engaged in good-faith efforts to fix this and people aren't interested."
We need to repeal and replace Obamacare.
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