A Quote by Donald Trump

All [Barack Obama ] is doing, instead of working on your jobs and your companies leaving for Mexico and other places, he's campaigning for crooked Hillary [Clinton]. That's all he does.
The point is Hillary Clinton's campaign is the first one to ask about Barack Obama legitimity because all she does is engage in negative campaigning against Barack Obama and against Donald Trump.
One thing we're going to do is talk just about that: Obamacare, jobs. Our jobs are being taken away from us. Companies, as we speak, are signing documents with Mexico and other places to move. Our jobs be being... Look at Ford two weeks ago. Ford Motor. They're gonna make all of their smaller cars in Mexico. They're gonna move everything outta here. And so many... I mean, Carrier air-conditioners. I talk about all these companies. There are hundreds of companies. They're moving out to Mexico and other countries.
He [Donald Trump] is the one who got him [Barack Obama] to finally produce the birth certificate. Hillary Clinton's campaign first raised this issue. He picked this up from Hillary Clinton.
Ford is leaving. You see that, their small car division leaving. Thousands of jobs leaving Michigan, leaving Ohio. They're all leaving. And we can't allow it to happen anymore.As far as child care is concerned and so many other things, I think Hillary Clinton and I agree on that. We probably disagree a little bit as to numbers and amounts and what we're going to do, but perhaps we'll be talking about that later.
Hillary Clinton is apparently very happy about [Barack] Obama clamping down on your 2nd Amendment rights.
The dirty little secret is that you, Barack Obama, are the candidate of 'unity.' If you are the candidate of unity, why can't you even bring your own party together? Why can't you and Hillary Clinton get together and solve this, instead of having Operation Chaos prolong all of this disunity? I mean, these people are starting to tear each other apart.
How many times did we hear [Barack] Obama say, 'You didn't build that. You didn't build that - no, you need government.' We even saw Hillary Clinton say - remember her phrase - 'It takes a village to raise a child.' In other words, your children are not your children - they belong to the community.
Instead of talking about the fact that Hillary Clinton violated about 40 federal laws we are talking about this [that this president's Barack Obama is legitimately elected president of the United States and you say your candidate agrees with you]. It is ridiculous.
Hillary Clinton has reportedly accepted Barack Obama's offer to become secretary of state. That's what they're saying in the New York Times. Yeah, according to Bill Clinton, this is the first time in 20 years that Hillary has said 'yes.'
I focus most of my attention on Hillary Clinton and her disastrous policies. I mean, there's a real danger in this election. Electing Hillary Clinton in an era where we now are so pessimistic about the future, would double down on [Barack] Obama economics and a failed foreign policy - so most of my attention is about my record and about defeating Hillary Clinton.
In 2008, many Democrats and Republicans believed Hillary Clinton to be a responsible public leader - a firm hand on the wheel, experienced in matters of diplomacy, conflict, and national interest. The 3 A.M. phone call was a question mark with Barack Obama, but not for Hillary Clinton.
I can't imagine the American people voting for Hillary Clinton to serve basically the third term of Barack Obama. And I think whoever the Republican primary voters and the delegates nominate, I will support that nominee wholeheartedly against a Hillary Clinton candidacy.
In a strange way, Hillary Clinton was helped and victimized by Barack and Michelle Obama.Michelle Obama was probably better than Barack Obama, if you think about it.Her speech is a masterful, masterful speech. And she delivered it in a persuasively conversational tone.
You know, Barack Obama the last ten days was traveling overseas campaigning in Europe and everywhere. It was so successful, campaigning abroad, that he is actually thinking about campaigning here in the United States.
You look at the states [Barack] Obama won and wonder, well, where would Hillary Clinton have a problem and where does Donald Trump have problems? And the truth is, Donald Trump is not showing strength in any of the big states that he would need in order to actually get to 270. And Hillary Clinton is showing herself to be remarkably stable in all the states that she needs.
Hillary Clinton did better among working-class whites when she's running against Barack Hussein Obama. How is she doing now against an older, a professor type, who seems very unthreatening, very likable.
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