A Quote by Donald Trump

Look at [Hillary Clinton] website. You know what? It's no difference than this. She's telling us how to fight ISIS. — © Donald Trump
Look at [Hillary Clinton] website. You know what? It's no difference than this. She's telling us how to fight ISIS.
Just go to [Hillary Clinton] website. She tells you how to fight ISIS on her website. I don't think General Douglas MacArthur would like that too much.
Iraq has been overrun by ISIS because Hillary Clinton failed to renegotiate, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton failed to renegotiate a status of forces agreement...And so we removed, we removed all of our troops from Iraq and ISIS was able to be conjured up in that vacuum and over run vast areas of Iraq.
I will tell you that Hillary [Clinton] will tell you to go to her website and read all about how to defeat ISIS, which she could have defeated by never having it, you know, get going in the first place. Right now, it's getting tougher and tougher to defeat them, because they're in more and more places, more and more states, more and more nations.
[Hillary] Clinton, we are not where we need to be in the fight against ISIS.
We came in with the Internet, we came up with the Internet, and I think Secretary [Hillary] Clinton and myself would agree very much, when you look at what ISIS is doing with the Internet, they're beating us at our own game. ISIS.
I love Carly Fiorina's fire; she's feisty as heck. She really seems to fearlessly take the fight right to the doorstep of the Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton Foundation.
Hillary Clinton doesn't know how to counterprogram Trump, if you will. Hillary doesn't know how to go out and write her own narrative of the day. Hillary doesn't know whether to focus on herself or to criticize Trump or to go after Crazy Bernie. She doesn't know what to do. And the press doesn't, either.
I don`t think Hillary Clinton is going to support any of the things that you stand for if you`re a Republican. I`m going to go fight for the principles and the solutions that I believe in and the candidate that I think is so much more likely to put those into law because I know Hillary Clinton won`t do that. It`s a binary choice. It is either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. You don`t get a third option. It`s one or the other. And I know where I want to go.
Hillary Clinton is doing a thank-you for the money, largely because she wants them to continue giving it to her. Make no mistake about that. And that is almost the difference in the two campaigns of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, in a nutshell. It's a stark contrast.
We got a lot of energy. She certainly doesn't look presidential to me, Hillary [Clinton]. I don't think you get to look less presidential actually than Hillary.
Hillary Clinton lies a lot. She has bad judgment. She created ISIS with her stupidity.
I think we have to get NATO to go into the Middle East with us, in addition to surrounding nations, and we have to knock the hell out of ISIS, and we have to do it fast, when ISIS formed in this vacuum created by Barack Obama and Secretary [Hillary] Clinton.
Did you hear what the Republicans have said about Hillary Clinton? They say she's too angry to be president. Hillary Clinton, Senator Hillary Clinton, too angry to be president. When she heard this, Hillary said, 'Oh yeah? I'll rip your throats out, you bastards.'
I didn't do anything for Russia. I've done nothing for Russia. Hillary Clinton gave them 20 percent of our uranium. Hillary Clinton did a reset, remember? With the stupid plastic button that made us all look like a bunch of jerks. Here, take a look. Lavrov looked at her like, what the hell is she doing with that cheap plastic button?
Hillary Clinton does not know what she's doing on anything. Hillary Clinton wouldn't be where she is if her name wasn't Clinton. She doesn't have any stand-alone achievements, stand-out achievements and accomplishments that in any way recommend her to the presidency.
I don't want anybody to be under a misunderstanding. Donald Trump never even said the word "assassination." That was the word used by Hillary Clinton in 2008, which CNN is calling a gaffe. (impression) "But Trump meant it! Yeah, Trump, he meant it." With Hillary, "It was a gaffe! We all know Hillary Clinton, and we all know Hillary Clinton didn't really mean what she said." Yeah, right. Double standards.
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