A Quote by Donnie Yen

I think every actor wants to try out different things. — © Donnie Yen
I think every actor wants to try out different things.
Theatre gives you an altogether different kind of thrill which every actor who wants to grow must try.
Everybody's different and every person is different and every actor's different and everybody has different wants and needs, but I'm a kid who loved comic books my whole life.
Every actor wants to be versatile; everyone wants to do something different.
I try to do different things as much as I can. I feel like every actor, there's a limited number of tricks and go-tos. The real good stuff you can't get to unless it's something you haven't done before. So I try to make sure each thing is slightly different. Unless it's for the money. Then I don't care.
Every actor wants to win an Oscar, full stop. It doesn't mean you try to design things around how to accomplish that because that's impossible.
With every action oriented or adventure film, there's going to be a moment when every actor becomes a stuntman and every stuntman becomes an actor. You try to do as much of it as you can, but inevitably the studio wants you to finish the movie. So you've got to slow down and you're really got to defer to your team to make sure you do.
I always set out to just work, as an actor, and try to do as many different things as I possibly could, and not be too selective or too careful. I think just working is fun.
Every film's different; every story is so different. But I think I've always been attracted to try to take something minimal and to maximize it cinematically. To find out if I can I really go all the way with one idea.
Every actor wants to change things up a bit. You don't want to be pigeonholed, and not just because of what the industry might think.
The only thing I have tried to do is be a part of different films and bring out a different side of me as an actor every time I play a character. I would like to be known as a versatile actor.
I think every actor can agree that when you've been playing a certain character for awhile - no matter what that role is - it's always attractive to try something that's different.
Every actor demands different things. Every human being you come in contact with in your life, you have to deal with in slightly different ways.
I don't think it's necessary to be an actor to get great performances out of an actor. But I do think it helps me as a director because I know what I like as an actor, and I try to get that to the actors who I'm working with.
I like going to Burning Man, for example. That's an environment where people can try out different things. I think as technologists we should have some safe places where we can try out some new things and figure out what is the effect on society, what's the effect on people, without having to deploy kind of into the normal world.
I can't sit still for long and need creative outlets and think you should try different things. I mean, if you're a musician all of your life, you gotta try different things. I really believe you can have it all.
An actor is here to perform. For example, if a character is a Punjabi or a Bihari, and the actor is not, doesn't mean we have to cast an actor from that region. If an actor can perform, they can portray anyone because an actor is here to try different roles.
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