A Quote by Doug Harvey

I wrestled as a 90-pounder, and I wrestled in the 107-pound class in my first year. I had something inside of me. I could not stand not to compete. And I don't know why... I don't know what that's all about. But that's deep inside of Doug Harvey.
I wrestled my guys growing up. I've wrestled with Hulk Hogan. I've wrestled against Shawn Michaels. I've wrestled against Ric Flair.
Curt Hennig was one of best guys I ever wrestled. If I could've come back and wrestled one last match, I wish I could've wrestled Curt. He was my favorite guy to wrestle.
I had a long career that started when I was 17. I wrestled for 20 years, so people forget how long I actually wrestled for.
Deep down inside, when I come to the ring, whether it's a non-televised event or TV or pay per view, deep down inside, when you hear those 'R-K-O' chants or those 'Orton' chants, you know, it makes me smile on the inside.
Through my ventures in Australia, I wrestled current NXT Assistant Head Coach Sara Amato, who helped connect me with companies in the USA, where I also wrestled on the independent circuit.
I've wrestled in Seoul; I've wrestled in Auckland, New Zealand.
If you knew the user, you'd let them in. But, the content could contain a lot of dangerous stuff, even if you know the person using that content, you have to check what's inside there. That's where Fortinet started, trying to go deep inside of content, or inside an application to make sure those were secure.
You know, I was pretty comfortable where I was at. We had cars that could win races... I know they're expecting me to perform and do my job. Before this year I can't remember the last time I've ever been nervous at all inside of a race car.
The Beloved is inside you and also inside me. You know the tree is hidden inside the seed. Let your arrogance go. None of us has gone far. Inside love there is more power than we realize.
I know Seth Rollins is a CrossFit guy. I just think back to my days, and I don't know how I could have done CrossFit training and then wrestled that night.
I don't really know why I care so much. I just have something inside me that tells me that there is a problem, and I have got to do something about it. I think that is what I would call the God in me.
As I see it, you are living with something that you keep hidden deep inside. Something heavy. I felt it from the first time I met you. You have a strong gaze, as if you have made up your mind about something. To tell you the truth, I myself carry such things around inside. Heavy things. That is how I can see it in you.
Maybe the first time that you know you really care about something is when you think about it not being there,and when you know-you really know-that the emptinessis as much as inside you as outside you.For it falls out,that what we have we prize not to the worth whiles we enjoy it;but being lacked and lost,why,then we rack the value,then we find the virtue that possesion would not show us while it was ours.That's when I knew for the first time that I really did love my sister.
I've never wrestled Kylie Rae, I've never wrestled Nyla Rose. I'm more familiar with Kylie Rae, I know her, she was my room-mate in Japan. I was in the match where she broke her collar bone in Japan, I was her tag partner.
I haven't accomplished everything that I want to yet in my career, that's why I'm still playing. I just know that I still have something left inside of me to accomplish, and I don't know exactly what that is. Hopefully, I'll know one day soon.
I haven't accomplished everything that I want to yet in my career, that's why I'm still playing. I just know that I still have something left inside of me to accomplish, and I don't know exactly what that is. Hopefully, I'll know one day soon
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