A Quote by Douglas Adams

To summarize the summary of the summary: people are a problem. — © Douglas Adams
To summarize the summary of the summary: people are a problem.
If you had to summarize the Old Testament, the summary would be: stop doing this to yourselves.
Some people demand a five-line capsule summary. Something you'd read in a magazine. They want you to say, 'This is the story of the duality of man and the duplicity of governments.' I hear people try to do it -- give the five-line summary -- but if a film has any substance or subtlety, whatever you say is never complete, it's usually wrong, and it's necessarily simplistic: truth is too multifaceted to be contained in a five-line summary. If the work is good, what you say about it is usually irrelevant.
I don't think many people have ever read the report. Who has read 26 volumes of this case? How many read the summary? If you read the summary, it takes a long time.
Inexperienced fiction and creative nonfiction writers are often told to show, not tell - to write scenes, dramatize, cut exposition, cut summary - but it can be misguided advice. Good prose almost always requires both showing and telling, scenes and summary, the two basic components of creative prose
In summary, Intelligence Intensification is desirable, because there is not a single problem confronting humanity that is not either caused or considerably worsened by the prevailing stupidity (insensitivity) of the species: badly wired robots bumping into and maiming and killing each other.
It is a fair summary of history to say that the safeguards of liberty have been forged in controversies involving not very nice people.
literature is an instrument of a culture, not a summary of it.
In summary, our world is doomed.
Egotism is the source and summary of all faults and miseries.
At the end of the day, in brief summary: inerrancy is interested in the truthfulness of Scripture and it is a powerful way forcing people to think about that reliability that is God-given.
A summary of every Jewish holiday: They tried to kill us, we won, let's eat!
Perhaps the best test of a man's intelligence is his capacity for making a summary.
The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have.
I would like that to be known; these facts are in the summary which I think is a very good one.
I have found a beautiful summary of the way I work with organisations, and the values I seek to amplify.
Summary riposte To the dreary wail There's no knowing what Love is all about. Poets know a lot.
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