A Quote by Drake

Patience is key for getting over a breakup. That, and trailing off your interaction after the breakup. — © Drake
Patience is key for getting over a breakup. That, and trailing off your interaction after the breakup.
Everyone's gone through a breakup, and I've dated girls in the past where... I've never had a messy breakup, thankfully, but I'm never the one to end it. I'm always caught off guard as to why things ended because I guess I'm oblivious in a way.
I never really got into any records purely thinking of them as a breakup record. I mean, honestly, for me, listening to a breakup record whilst dealing with one seems counterproductive!
It's so easy to shut down and be in your own head after a breakup, you know?
I live around dudes all the time so I've heard millions of stories about how they go through a breakup and then the girl turns absolutely crazy. I always thought growing up like: "No, I won't be like that - when I go through a breakup I'll be cool."
[ Blue is the Warmest Color ] was really a film about two people having to go through a relationship which everyone knew would lead to a breakup and the pain that that entails. Anybody can see that story, what leads to that, and identify with it. As a filmmaker, I wanted to construct this identification process with the characters so that you fully connect to their emotions and what their breakup [represents].
The craziest thing I've done getting over love is skydiving. I had a really upsetting breakup. When I broke up with my boyfriend I needed to like do something different and so I actually went skydiving to turn over a new page.
Life goes on after a breakup.
No one goes straight to happiness after a breakup.
Basically, a bad breakup is never meant to teach you 'I'll never fall in love again.' It's meant to teach you 'Now I better know what makes for healthful, happy love - and thanks to this breakup I'm now better able to recognize it and snag it!'
I can speak for everybody in saying we've all been through a breakup to where you didn't want it to be over.
Hair is so important and emotional. I dyed mine black and blond after a breakup - there's something really powerful about changing your hair when you're in a weird place.
Turning a breakup into a break-over ... We want women to know that as bad as it can be, it can also be an opportunity to reinvent yourself.
After a breakup, it takes a couple weeks for the fog to settle, but it's always a period of self-priority and growth. Life presents you with so many decisions. A lot of times, they're right in front of your face and they're really difficult, but we must make them.
What you start learning is that to get over a breakup, you kind of have to live through the emotions and not run away from it because then it lasts longer.
I met a girl, and two months after we met I wrote 'Nevermind.' And 'Never Go Back' is actually a song I wrote two or three days after the breakup, after a year and a half. Straight continuation of the story.
One of the monstrous things that slavery in this country caused was the breakup of families. I mean, physical labor, horrible; beatings, horrible; lynching death, all of that, horrible. But the living life of a parent who, A, has no control over what happens to your children, none. They don't belong to you. You may not even nurse them. They may be shipped off somewhere, as in "Beloved" the mother was, to be nursed by somebody who was not able to work in the fields and was a wet nurse.
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