A Quote by Draymond Green

I'm not going to worry about proving people wrong. My goal isn't to prove people wrong. You can't worry about what other people say. — © Draymond Green
I'm not going to worry about proving people wrong. My goal isn't to prove people wrong. You can't worry about what other people say.
It used to worry me what people said about me. I'm learning not to worry as much. Sometimes you feel critics are wrong all the time, but I don 't take objection to it, because that's the way it goes. They can be wrong, they can be right. They can be cruel, they can be kind.
You can sit there and say people should worry about football, but it's hard to worry about football when you've got a lot of other things going on around you that are negative.
I never worry what people think about me anymore. Just go out and say what you need to say. People worry about people so much.
People are going to judge you all the time no matter what you do...Don't worry about other people. Worry about you.
I'm going to keep proving people wrong because I have a lot of people to prove wrong, a lot of doubters.
It's not uncool to worry about people who seem like they're going on the wrong path. There's nothing cool about being self-destructive.
People have said to me, 'It must be nice to prove so many people wrong,' but I've never really cared about proving anything to anybody else.
I'm trying to honestly do what I want to do, in the most honest way, and not worry about the consequences, because what's the worst thing that can happen? People don't like it, I go home. I'm not going to get hung by my thumbs. And as long as I don't read the reviews or care about what people say on a website or worry about those kind of things, then I'll probably be very happy.
The thing is, it's not uncool to worry about people who seem like they're going on the wrong path. There's nothing cool about being self-destructive.
I worry an awful lot about people and how they're faring. When I worry about people, whether their job is squashing their spirit, pushing them into a darker pathway of not feeling good about their life, that forces me to look for what's good. What's going well. That stokes a lot of positive feelings. Although I do worry, I look for the hope.
I think the sign of complacency in the stock market is when people don't worry. At the moment, everyone worries about everything. They worry about geopolitical risk, about political risk, they worry that the markets are too high. The time to really worry is when everyone thinks that markets are going up and everything is going really well.
You have to write songs for yourself and not worry about what other people are going to say or think about it. But ultimately it does go out to a lot of people and it will make its way into their lives, and that's really special.
THE MAGIC AND THE DANGER OF FICTION IS THIS: it allows us to see through other eyes. It takes us to places we have never been, allows us to care about, worry about, laugh with, and cry for people who do not, outside of the story, exist. There are people who think that things that happen in fiction do not really happen. These people are wrong.
There's always going to be obstacles and people that doubt you. So it's about proving people wrong and bettering yourself and trying to be the best you.
Don't worry about this world; it is not broken. And don't worry about others. You worry more about them than they do. There are people waging war; there are people on the battlefield who are more alive than they've ever been before. Don't try to protect people from life; just let them have their experience while you focus upon your own experience.
I think as you get older, you realize there's always going to be critics. Critics are going to win every time because they can change their critique based on the stats and their own personal feelings. It's less about proving people wrong, the critics wrong, and it's more about challenging myself to keep this level up.
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