A Quote by Drew Carey

People laugh to forget their troubles, and to forget their troubles they like to look at people who aren't doing better than they are. — © Drew Carey
People laugh to forget their troubles, and to forget their troubles they like to look at people who aren't doing better than they are.
What would it take for you to forget all your troubles? Are you willing to simply forget all your troubles today? When you remove your attention from a problem, it gets bored and moves away!
People tend to forget that celebrities are human beings. We live our lives. We try to do what we love, which is music. And to share it with everyone in our job usually is to entertain and to make people forget their troubles.
I'm here to make people laugh and help them forget their troubles, too! So I just try to bring heart and bring jokes!
People are disposed to mistake predicting troubles for causing troubles and even for desiring troubles.
They say you forget your troubles on a trout stream, but that's not quite it. What happens is that you begin to see where your troubles fit into the grand scheme of things, and suddenly they're just not such a big deal anymore.
Musical composition should bring happiness and joy to people and make them forget their troubles.
If you are having a hard week, turn on one of my songs. Some people are here for different things in life. My job is to make you forget about your troubles.
I've heard there are troubles of more than one kind; some come from ahead, and some come from behind. But I've brought a big bat. I'm all ready, you see; now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!
I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!
There's nothing like losing yourself in someone else's troubles to make you forget your own.
It's hard to remember when you look at a magazine or when you look at pictures of people, and you forget that those people are people like you. They have flaws and insecurities. That's so easy to forget, even for me, as somebody who's sometimes in those magazines.
It's hard to remember, when you look at a magazine or when you look at pictures of people, and you forget that those people are people like you. They have flaws and insecurities. That's so easy to forget, even for me, as somebody who's sometimes in those magazines.
Why people used to go to clubs was to have a great time and to forget their troubles and worries and stresses of the week and enjoy themselves and I think that the music was a huge, important part of that
The career of a movie star consists of helping everyone else forget their troubles. Using charm and beauty and good cheer to make life look easy.
Never forget that I am paid for my troubles!
And you may find somebody kind to help and understand you Someone who is just like you and needs a gentle hand to guide them along So maybe I'll see you there We can forget all our troubles, forget all our cares, and go Downtown, things'll be great when you're Downtown, don't wait a minute more Downtown, everything's waiting for you
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