A Quote by Drew Scott

Whenever anyone puts decor or artwork on the walls, it's always personal. You want people to come into your home and see something that reflects your personality. — © Drew Scott
Whenever anyone puts decor or artwork on the walls, it's always personal. You want people to come into your home and see something that reflects your personality.
I think making a movie is like drawing or creating an art piece. The artwork reflects part of your personality, but not all.
Seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world. What you see reflects your thinking. And your thinking but reflects your choice of what you want to see. If you judge people, you have no time to love them.
Whenever you're going after something that belongs to you, anyone who's depriving you of the right to have it is a criminal. Understand that. Whenever you are going after something that is yours, you are within your legal rights to lay claim to it. And anyone who puts forth any effort to deprive you of that which is yours, is breaking the law, is a criminal.
Home is home wherever you grow up generally speaking. Unless you're one of those people who always wants to get out of a small town and do something bigger with your life, which I always did but I always wanted to come back, so home is home and its a great place for me to come back and escape the hustle and bustle of the life that I live.
Until your personality has exhausted its obsession with running the show, your soul isn’t given the space to express itself. Your personality can be threatened by your soul, because your personality has controlled your life for a long time and doesn’t want to give up control. Your personality is like a wild horse that tries to throw off the rider trying to tame it. The rider is your soul.
We do believe that your home can make your life easier, but there needs to be something that wells you up inside - whether it's that you can see your family growing and expanding, and it has the perfect nursery, or maybe that you want to be that neighborhood hub where all the kids in the community come over, and they can play.
I am doing what I do [athletics] because the fans love it and it's a part of me, it's my personality. I think people come to see you run fast, but they also come to see a show, a performance. They want to see a personality, and that's what I give them.
The deep, personal material of the latter half of your life is your children. You can write about your parents when they're gone, but your children are still going to be here, and you're going to want them to come and visit you in the nursing home.
People want to create a space that feels like them - one that's deeply rooted in their personality. That's important. Your space is an opportunity to tell your story and showcase your experiences. That's why I think every material - down to your faucet - needs to serve a function and feel personal.
Luxury is not about the things that you own. It is about something that reflects your personal values, something that shows the choices that you have made in your life.
Changing up your home decor is a great way to get a fresh start, especially when going through something like a breakup or a divorce. Begin with replacing the pictures of your ex around the house with photos of your kids or memories with friends. You can even shop for beautiful new frames to make the process more fun and design friendly.
Your income reflects your self-identity. Your impact reveals your personal story.
Whenever I work on an album and the time comes to do all the artwork, the only thing I think of is the LP artwork. When we worked on the 'Electric Trim' artwork, we spent weeks and weeks making the LP artwork great, and then the CD artwork came together in a day or two. The LP is what's important to me.
Your dreams will always be more important to you than anyone else, you can want something as much as you want but at the end of the day your mum doesn't care if your arms are 24 inches or not, but that doesn't mean you give up, chase your dreams.
Everyone should have cancer one time - then you'd know that other things aren't important. The guy that gives you the finger at the stoplight don't mean nothing anymore. You come home and something's cold, or you didn't get something in the mail. Big deal. You want to get up every day and see your family and your friends.
You need interesting content that entertains or informs - preferably both. You want people to look forward to your posts and come back for more. People want to follow you. They want to hear your words and see your vision.
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