A Quote by Dusty Rhodes

I have wined and dined with kings and queens and I’ve slept in alleys and dined on pork and beans. — © Dusty Rhodes
I have wined and dined with kings and queens and I’ve slept in alleys and dined on pork and beans.
I've wined and dined with kings and queens, and I've slept in the alley eating pork and beans.
Over on the Democratic side, Martin O'Malley recently spoke about the need for Wall Street reform and said that he isn't running for president to be quote, 'wined and dined' by executives. Then Chris Christie said, 'And I am also not running to be wined.'
Snoop Dogg has had me to Hollywood to rap with him on his records, and the 2 Live Crew brought me to Miami and wined and dined me to make a record with them.
I like one nice man because he gets three tickets for the cinema so we've got somewhere to put our coats. He passes the test. I've been quite surprised because I really didn't expect to be wined and dined, and it's quite nice.
I have dined with kings, I've been offered wings. And I've never been too impressed.
I used to sit in the studio with a copy of the (Saturday Evening) Post laid across my knees ... And then I'd conjure up a picture of myself as a famous illustrator and gloat over it, putting myself in various happy situations, surrounded by admiring females, deferred to by office flunkies at the magazines, wined and dined by the editor.
The live audience is a blind date. The camera is a hungry lover. One wants to be wined and dined and seduced and then decide where the evening will go. The other knows how it wants to be touched, wants it now and can damn well tell if you are lying about it. Both are fickle. Both feel good. Depends on your mood.
HUSBAND, n. One who, having dined, is charged with the care of the plate.
I'm a man more dined against than dining.
We lunched and dined in crowded restaurants. We were always alone.
Pride breakfasted with plenty, dined with poverty, and supped with infamy.
No Roman ever was able to say, 'I dined last night with the Borgias'.
Satisfaction, even after one has dined well, is not so interesting and eager a feeling as hunger.
To begin with, I dined there on Monday, and once a week is quite enough to dine with one's own relations.
You have just dined, and however scrupulously the slaughterhouse is concealed in the graceful distance of miles, there is complicity.
A whole generation of writers dined out on the dialectic between original cultures and their culture by "progress.
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