A Quote by Dylan McDermott

The Victorian era is the sexiest age for me, but I also like a woman in a pair of jeans. — © Dylan McDermott
The Victorian era is the sexiest age for me, but I also like a woman in a pair of jeans.
I like a good pair of jeans, but I also like putting on a nice tux. I'd rather go around in a good pair of jeans that you don't wash every day, because they get more and more comfortable.
I always talk about a great-fitting pair of jeans. Girls are concerned about the way their butt looks in a pair of jeans, and I think a guy having a really great-fitting pair of jeans is just as important.
I love the Victorian era, and I always have, but I had a leg up on the writing because I was familiar with a lot of the science from the Victorian era. And that led to a massive interest in the science of this time of history.
I always use the analogy that when you go to a jeans store and put on a new pair of jeans, it's a pair of jeans and they feel different; so, when you're dealing with these sort of costumes it's a very big departure and really does make you feel quite different. But it's wonderful.
As a rule, wearing a bigger pair of jeans looks better than squishing yourself into a pair of jeans that used to fit before you gave up smoking.
I remember going to the Gap when I was in the fifth grade, and I desperately wanted a pair of blue jeans. I was with my dad, and I remember picking up the jeans, looking at them, and thinking that they had to fit me. But there was nothing that fit me. This was before the age of stretch, so I was trying on adult Gap.
In my real life, I wear a T-shirt, gray or white, and the same pair of jeans. Literally, the same pair of jeans every day.
I think the thing I feel most comfortable in and the sexiest in is a headwrap and a t-shirt and jeans or a sweatshirt and jeans.
Every closet needs one comfortable stretchy pair of jeans, but I think the reason we have permission to do what we do is because that's already happened. Jeggings all look the same, but when you buy jeans from us, we make sure every pair has individuality.
I always say to people, the Eighties were so inventive because people wanted to stand out. By the time we got to the Nineties, everyone wanted to fit in. It was all about having the same pair of trainers and the same pair of jeans. That's fatal. Whereas the Eighties you would never be seen in the same pair of jeans that somebody else was wearing.
I have a political aversion to blue jeans. I'm biased against them. I really am. I've been forced over the course of my life, I have been forced by certain people to try a pair of jeans. So I've gone and I've tried 'em on, and I hate 'em. They're not comfortable. They just are not comfortable. I hate wearing anything that makes me feel like I have it on, and blue jeans make me feel like I'm wearing burlap.
You've probably heard about the theory of steam-engine time - that even after the steam engine had been invented, it had to wait until people were ready to make use of it. The same thing happens in literary circles. The truth is, I'm not terribly interested in Victorian times; I'm interested in Victorian writers. I'm interested in most eras of history, but not the Victorian Era especially. I was interested in the John Franklin Expedition. I was interested in these last five weird years of Dickens' life. And I just have to take the age that comes with all that when I write about it.
Skinny jeans are usually my go to jean. I do bootleg every once in a while, boyfriend jeans I feel like are so hard to pull off! Skinny jeans are very easy and you can kind of pair anything with them and it will work: heels and boots or nice top or flouncy top.
I'm like any other woman - my weight fluctuates. I have a pair of jeans one size bigger than the other just in case that week I'm a little bit heavier.
Pairing jeans with a stiletto and a body suit is my go-to that makes me feel my sexiest.
Put me in a vintage shop, and I am like a child with sweeties. I find it a million times easier to find a vintage dress than trawl the shops for a pair of jeans, so I am either dressed in really nice vintage, or I am in a pair of tracksuit bottoms looking like a scruffbag.
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