A Quote by Echo Bodine

What I have found is that when we get to that still, small voice inside and begin to live by it, we see that that still, small voice doesn't judge us the way we are being judged by others all the time.
There is a still small voice telling us what is right, and if we listen to that still small voice we shall grow and increase in strength and power, in testimony and in ability not only to live the gospel but to inspire others to do so.
There is the voice that everybody hears... saying to you, "You should do this, you should be this, you ought to, you got to." And then there is the still small voice - for some people not so small - inside every human being that calls you to something that is greater than yourself.
For me the Voice of God, of Conscience, of Truth or the Inner Voice or the still small Voice mean one and the same thing.
The Voice of Heaven is a still small voice. The voice of peace in the home is a quiet voice. There is need for much discipline in marriage, not of one's companion, but of oneself... When couples cultivate the art of the soft answer, it blesses their home, their life together, and their companionship.
The voice of the Spirit is described in the scriptures as being neither loud nor harsh, not a voice of thunder, neither a voice of great tumultuous noise, but rather as still and small, of perfect mildness, as if it had been a whisper, and it can pierce even the very soul and cause the heart to burn. The Spirit does not get our attention by shouting.
The human voice can never reach the distance that is covered by the still small voice of conscience.
All can hear that still small voice within. Try it. Be still and know that the I AM within you is God, the Beloved. Listen... then live by it.
I've come to believe, on the journey of mine, that we have a still, small voice - and that voice does come from God. It's there to bring us comfort and to bring us guidance with everything.
The voice of wisdom is inherent within us and willing to guide us when we stop to listen. Of course, there are times when we feel we've been still as stone, and the still, small voice is still too quiet to hear. When this happens, the challenge is to practice quieting your mind anyway. Stopping and asking, quieting and listening, trusting and waiting. Waiting is difficult but worth the effort because a quiet, uncluttered mind is a natural antenna for whispers of wisdom from within.
Only after all the noise has spent itself do we begin to hear in the silence of our heart, the still, small, mighty voice of God.
When you don't know what to do, do nothing. Get quiet so you can hear the still, small voice.
Heed the still small voice that so seldom leads us wrong, and never into folly.
Conscience is the still small voice that has been trying since the infancy of our species to tell us that we are evolutionarily, emotionally, and spiritually One, and that if we seek peace and happiness, we must behave that way.
Over time, I have come to believe that 'brave' does not mean what we think it does. It does not mean 'being afraid and doing it anyway.' Nope. Brave means listening to the still small voice inside and doing as it says. Regardless of what the rest of the world is saying.
We live in a society in which it seems that every space, every moment must be 'filled' with initiatives, activity, sound; often there is not even time to listen and dialogue... Let us not be afraid to be silent outside and inside ourselves, so that we are able not only to perceive God's voice, but also the voice of the person next to us, the voices of others.
I still believe one of the most important choices is how we treat others. What good does it do you to build a huge muscular, impressive body if you are small and underdeveloped on the inside? I’ve always felt that success begins on the inside and reaching our true potential gets blocked when we are small-spirited.
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