A Quote by Ed Koch

The person who is bent on killing you will follow you wherever you are. — © Ed Koch
The person who is bent on killing you will follow you wherever you are.
Wherever a person goes, his deeds, like a shadow, will follow.
I think everybody has a bent, and the key is to follow that bent. So much human wastage comes from people who are doing things with their lives that they really aren't happy with.
Revenge never does anyone any good. Killing the person you hate will never ease the pain. Always look forward! Follow the path of light!
If you follow your natural bent;you will definitely go to heaven
I let everyone follow his own bent, that I may be free to follow mine.
What is a constitution? It is a booklet with twelve or ten pages. I can tear them away and say that tomorrow we shall live under a different system. Today, the people will follow wherever I lead. All the politicians including the once mighty Mr. Bhutto will follow me with tails wagging.
Bob Mueller's entire history is as a tenacious prosecutor. And so he will follow the Russia investigation wherever it leads. But the good news for Donald Trump is, he's also the only person perhaps in America who could end up declaring that there's no there there, and having people believe that.
Pull the string, and it will follow wherever you wish. Push it, and it will go nowhere at all.
Wherever we go, wherever we remain, the results of our actions follow us.
Wherever you put the mind, the body will follow.
The Post-Dispatch will serve no party but the people; be no organ of Republicanism, but the organ of truth; will follow no causes bit its conclusions; will not support the Administration, but criticize it; will oppose all frauds and shams wherever or whatever they are; will advocate principles and ideas rather than prejudices and partisanship.
Killing one person makes you a murderer. Killing a million people makes you a king. Killing them all makes you God.
Fifteen millions of soldiers with popguns and horses All bent upon killing, because their "of courses" Are not quite the same.
Wherever love is, I want to be, I will follow it as surely as the land-locked salmon finds the sea.
Killing a defective infant is not morally equivalent to killing a person. Sometimes it is not wrong at all.
I've given up reading the papers. Since the world's so obviously bent on killing itself, I decided months ago to sit back and let it.
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