A Quote by Eddie Albert

Courage is just fear plus prayers plus understanding. — © Eddie Albert
Courage is just fear plus prayers plus understanding.
Courage is just fear, plus prayers, plus understanding.
Ingenuity, plus courage, plus work, equals miracles.
The interesting products out on the Internet today are not building new technologies. They're combining technologies. Instagram, for instance: Photos plus geolocation plus filters. Foursquare: restaurant reviews plus check-ins plus geo.
Four times, under our educational rules, the human pack is shuffled and cut - at eleven-plus, sixteen-plus, eighteen-plus and twenty-plus - and happy is he who comes top of the deck on each occasion, but especially the last. This is called Finals, the very name of which implies that nothing of importance can happen after it.
In retailing, the formula happens to be a basic liking for human beings, plus integrity, plus industry, plus the ability to see the other fellow's point of view.
The reality is that zero defects in products plus zero pollution plus zero risk on the job is equivalent to maximum growth of government plus zero economic growth plus runaway inflation.
The term 'plus size' is so inaccurate. I'm not plus size; I have never bought an article of clothing that was plus size.
I don't understand why it's not okay to be plus-size. I don't know why people hate that phrase. Many models have built their careers as plus-size women and then suddenly don't want to be called that anymore. But you're still cashing checks from plus-size designers.
Okay, sense of humor: plus one. Being able to laugh at yourself: plus one. Being able to laugh at other people without being mean: plus one. Vanity: minus one.
Please be SILENT and LISTEN. I am the SCHOOLMASTER and you are in the CLASSROOM. Just like ELEVEN PLUS TWO equals TWELVE PLUS ONE, And even a FUNERAL can be REAL FUN, You will find my DICTIONARY is quite INDICATORY. If you want to read my story, just look... THEN UNREAD.
At the end of the day, it just means 'curvy.' That's why I think the word 'plus-size' in the industry is very different from people's mind view of what 'plus-size' really should mean.
I'm so grateful that I model at a time where 'plus-size' models are being championed, but they're still called 'plus-size' which is actually quite a stigma in itself. It's just healthy, curvy women.
I suppose I am interested in women plus anonymity plus disappearance.
I think ingenuity is part of our DNA. That plus curiosity, plus the willingness to commit.
I see theater as a simple formula. Audience plus players plus story makes the play.
If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut
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