A Quote by Eddie Bernice Johnson

I try hard to convince them it's important - but there's a history of discomfort with minorities voting in some parts of this country, so most especially the older people have to get accustomed to it.
As far as [Bernie] Sanders is concerned, he's probably the most honest of all of them. But we have to be careful, because this is the most important election [2016] in the history of this country; because you're not just voting for a president, you're voting for the person who can take America totally down! America will never be great as she once was, again, but she can survive if she does the right thing.
I would like the Supreme Court to understand that voting rights are still a big problem in many parts of our country [America], that we don't always do everything we can to make it possible for people of color and older people and young people to be able to exercise their franchise.
When you're young, you want to convince everyone that you're right and they're wrong. As you get older, it's not important if you are right or wrong, it's important that you work together with other people and get something done.
If you start studying history closer, you'll find that most all wars are based on false flag operations to get people - to convince the people that they're under attack in some way so that they will support the wars.
I think nuance is very important to have in the conversation, nuance that's been lacking for a long time. A lot of voting organizations only exist every four years, putting all this money into "your voice is important!" Wouldn't that be nice, if that's all it took? Voting is the first political action for most people. But if you don't follow up then voting is not actual participation but just a one-off.
I think if you're going to abuse someone, you really have to convince them of two things. First, you have to normalise what you're doing, convince them that it's not that bad. And the second thing is to convince them that they deserve it in some way.
I understand that actors lose their looks, they change over time, but people don't lose their talent. I think that, as people get older and the people who make the decisions get older, they don't like hiring people much older than them because it reminds them of their fathers, and they don't like telling people older than them what to do. It makes them uncomfortable. I think that happens a lot.
I also knew that if people have a position on something and you try to argue them into changing it, you’re going to strengthen that position. If you want to change people’s ideas, you shouldn’t try to convince them intellectually. What you need to do is get them into a situation where they’ll have to act on ideas not argue about them.
We are a British nation with British characteristics. Every country can take some small minorities and in many ways they add to the richness and variety of this country. The moment the minority threatens to become a big one, people get frightened.
The 2020 Election is believed to be the most important in our lifetime. Therefore, I've chosen to become more involved in the voting process by using my social media platform to encourage voting and my facility as a Dekalb County early voting polling station.
It's cool because, as you get older, you get offered older parts. You're older, so you can't play 10 anymore. That was always very exciting for me.
It's really cool to have the ability to try on being different people and to explore some parts of yourself because you get to know yourself better. You get to know parts of yourself that you haven't met before.
The UKIP voter is 60 percent male, 40 percent female. Is 65 percent older than 55 and 35 percent younger than 55. It's not hard to work out. Some have been Labor. Some have been Tories. The most difficult thing is previous voting intention, because they're coming from across the board.
Some people might have different ideas about what progress looks like, and some are cynical and place their short-term political interests ahead of what is good for our country. But many of them aren't cynical and try hard to do their best.
Some of the things you read you get an immediate reaction to so I've stopped reading things now. I do worry about my family though. Some people do try some nasty things to get at them and try and get a reaction from them.
I think it's important to stretch as you get older, but I try to do basically all the things I did when I played, except I can't do them as well and as much.
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