A Quote by Edgar Davids

Ask most people, and they will say their name or profession, but you have to know who you are both physically and mentally. It's really important in football because then you know your trigger points, how to adapt and improve.
It's the emotional trigger points that are important to me because I know if I could believe in the characters and try and imagine how they felt then I'd be able to do something quite honest.
Fitness is important, but the most important thing is how you adapt and the way you feel physically. To adapt to a new position. To try to change your game.
The World War I, I'm a child of World War I. And I really know about the children of war. Because both my parents were both badly damaged by the war. My father, physically, and both mentally and emotionally. So, I know exactly what it's like to be brought up in an atmosphere of a continual harping on the war.
The most important part for me is mentally. Physically, I know I'm going to put the work in. That's not even a question. But mentally you may have some days where it's tougher.
One needs to constantly read up, practice and work, irrespective of your profession. If I feel as an actor that I know everything, then how will I to grow? How will I improve? I'll be stuck in a rut, and eventually I'll grow complacent.
The manager is always on at us about mental strength anyway. He just comes in and stresses how important it is to be strong mentally, to succeed you've got to go through pain both mentally and physically.
I adapt my idea of football to my players, not adapt my players in my idea of football. It's important because there are others players that must play. The players are the most important things in football. I adapt my idea within my players.
The draft is one of my favorite events because it is about football. People are focused on how their teams improve. It's a celebration of football. And most importantly, it represents a very important time in the lives of these men who are entering the NFL, and their families.
What is more important than the name is that people know that I really like acting, I enjoy it and I want people to know that I am serious. The name thing: I will always be L.L. Cool J.
I really try to avoid, you know, rolling out the history. The people are so important to me, and what happens to them, how they react, how things happen to them, this is what is important. I feel that if I can tell THAT story well, then people will go and Google the rest and fill in what they need to know.
I know that stress on me mentally and physically will only help me improve not only as a human being but as a wrestler.
Refinancing your mortgage usually makes sense if you can lower your interest rate by at least two points. But the most important question to ask yourself is, how long will it take you to break even?
You don't have to give us your name and we don't ask for your email address. We don't know your birthday. We don't know your home address. We don't know where you work. We don't know your likes, what you search for on the internet or collect your GPS location. None of that data has ever been collected and stored by WhatsApp, and we really have no plans to change that.
You know that if you play football, you have to try to do the maximum, so I'm always doing the maximum for myself because when I retire from football, I want to sit down and think I did something good - I won this title, and I won this title. People will talk about what you have won, and that is the most important thing in football.
The most important thing is to enjoy football because you don't know how long your career is going to last, but it is difficult when things don't go well.
Whenever I've had a problem with any female in this entire game, I will say your name... I'm going to say your government. I'm going to look it up. I'm going to say your mother's name, your father's name, your kid's name. I want you to know that I'm talking about you.
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