A Quote by Edwin Land

Don't undertake a project unless it is manifestly important and nearly impossible. — © Edwin Land
Don't undertake a project unless it is manifestly important and nearly impossible.
My motto is very personal and may not fit anyone else or any other company. It is: Don't do anything that someone else can do. Don't undertake a project unless it is manifestly important and nearly impossible.
Work only on problems that are manifestly important and seem to be nearly impossible to solve. That way you will have a natural market for your product and no competition.
It is not important to be successful at what you undertake, but rather to undertake what you'd like to succeed at.
Faith does the impossible because it brings God to undertake for us, and nothing is impossible with God.
The first thing you do is teach the person to feel that the vision is very important and nearly impossible. That draws out the drive in the winner.
It will be nearly impossible to slow warming appreciably without condemning much of the world to poverty unless energy sources that emit little or no carbon dioxide become competitive with conventional fossil fuels.
It is impossible to win the race unless you venture to run, impossible to win the victory unless you dare to battle.
Soldiers are the foundation of an army; unless they are imbued with a progressive political spirit, and unless such a spirit is fostered through progressive political work, it will be impossible to achieve genuine unity between officers and men, impossible to arouse their enthusiasm for the War of Resistance to the full, and impossible to provide an excellent basis for the most effective use of all our technical equipment and tactics.
I've been really lucky that I've kind of gotten to flow from project to project, because I find it's very important that when you're on a project, you are so invested in it.
When we undertake the impossible, we often fail to do anything at all.
If you're going to undertake any project, like a book, you have to show up to give.
As a slave one cannot undertake obligations without the consent of one's master. As a citizen one cannot undertake obligations unless the legal system of the State in which one holds citizenship permits one to do so. Neither a slave nor a citizen is a free person, although those who are held as slaves or citizens may well be free persons: it is just that their freedom is not respected.
Enthusiasm is that ingredient of vitality mixed with a firm belief in what you are doing that ensures the success of any project you undertake.
I think a construction project for me is like writing a novel. I can't do the project unless I can envision sort of the whole structure and see what the end result might be.
I'm a designer, producer and I am hands-on for every project I undertake. The creative side of what I do is really something I think people overlooked for a while.
Never undertake anything unless you have the heart to ask Heaven's blessing on your undertaking.
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