A Quote by Edwin Markham

Choices are the hinges of destiny. — © Edwin Markham
Choices are the hinges of destiny.
It has been said that the gate of history turns on small hinges, and so do people's lives. The choices we make determine our destiny.
Religion hinges upon faith, politics hinges upon who can tell the most convincing lies or maybe just shout the loudest, but science hinges upon whether its conclusions resembe what actually happens.
No one's born with their destiny stamped on their forehead ... we make the choices to fulfill our destiny.
Choices, the greatest power we have, Choices, the path which is destiny, Choices, the result which is you... .
...our happiness hinges not on good luck; it hinges on peace of heart.
Most people simply go through life. They feel that they're making choices in their lives that cause destiny to move in certain ways. I would suggest that they have no control of their lives, all their choices are really made for them.
Without question, we make choices - and those choices have consequences. So can you control your own destiny? To a degree, certainly. Must you have faith in serendipity? Without question, you'd better. Otherwise you're foolish.
Fate is how your life unfolds when you let fear determine your choices. A path of destiny reveals itself to you, however, when you confront your fear and make conscious choices.
The mystery of human destiny is that we are fated, but that we have the freedom to fulfill or not fulfill our fate: realization of our fated destiny depends on us. While inhuman beings like the cockroach realize the entire cycle without going astray because they make no choices.
Choices not chance determine your destiny.
The choices we make, determine our destiny
The common notions that we find in credit around us and infused into our souls by our fathers' seed, these seem to be the universal and natural ones. Whence it comes to pass that what is off the hinges of custom, people believe to be off the hinges of reason.
For each of us destiny is a blend of potential, circumstances, and choices.
Destiny is a name often given in retrospect to choices that had dramatic consequences.
The choices that we make through our lives, the people who intersect us on our path kind of change what our fated destiny is. So some of us are lucky enough for the choices that we make to keep us on our path.
It is destiny phrase of the weak human heart! 'It is destiny' dark apology for every error! The strong and virtuous admit no destiny
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