A Quote by Elinor Lipman

I was a roving guard on the Lowell Hebrew Community Center's girls' basketball team all through high school. My specialty was stealing the ball, but my only shot was a lay-up.
My whole life, I've felt like I can do anything on the basketball court, from playing point guard in high school to having to play center one year in high school, doing everything in college and going through different roles in Philadelphia.
I had never dreamed about the NBA like some guys did. I was a non-scholarship player at an NAIA college. I played on the Boys and Girls Club team in my freshman and sophomore years of high school before I made the high school team. I was our backup center in college.
I play basketball; I actually like the triangle. It opens things up if you know how to move without the ball and know how to cut. That's the game you learn in high school and younger - pass, cut - basically the fundamentals of basketball, which makes it extremely difficult to guard.
I think the thing is you always play with what you have in high school. It was always very fastbreaky-type basketball. And then when I went to Marshall, we did the same thing. We had a weird team. Our center was 6'5' and the forward was about 6'10', but he shot from the outside.
The biggest scandal I was ever involved in was - in high school, at a basketball game, I shot and scored for the other team.
I wanna make uniforms for my high school basketball team through brand Yeezy.
In high school I was on the basketball team, but the coach did something I didn't dig and the next day he looked up and saw me practising with the football team.
I wasn't a jock in school, and by the 10th grade, when I was in boarding school I was carrying water buckets for the girls' hockey team. I was the kid with long hair and glasses and acne trying to learn how to play guitar and piano in the music center. I was not an athlete past the age of 13 or 14 when they start throwing the ball really fast.
When I look at myself, I'm not a big man - I'm a guard. I can do everything on the basketball court. You can name it - pass, post up, shoot the ball, bring the ball up, being a playmaker - so I'm excited to break that stereotype.
I was the center on our fraternity team, but I was a center-eligible, so I was known for my ability to go out, and I was pretty sure-handed catching a pass in the flat about ten yards down the field. My father played high school football and was pretty good. He also played center, so I always relished the idea that we both ended up playing center.
Sports were a big part of my life. I was the captain of the basketball team in high school, and captain of the basketball team at Princeton.
I was stealing the ball from all the guys. Every time they dribbled the ball, I used to take it, and I'd go down the court, and I'd either lay it up myself, or I'd pass it to one of my teammates. I was getting a lot of excitement from that; I felt good about doing that.
Let me go back to a comfortable analogy for me - sports... basketball. I use it because you're naive if you don't see the national full-court press picking away right now: A good point guard drives through a full court press, protecting the ball, keeping her eye on the basket... and she knows exactly when to pass the ball so that the team can WIN.
I was so tall in high school that I was convinced that I was uncoordinated and not athletic. I was terrified to play any sport at all, no matter how hard they tried to convince me to be on the girls' basketball team as the tallest kid in class.
I grew up not having very many girl friends. Girls tend to be competitive. I actually went to the school 'Mean Girls' was written about, so you can only imagine what my high school experience was like!
I couldn't make it on the swimming team in high school. In fact, I got thrown off the swimming team and was forced to audition for the school play because they had at the audition about 35 girls show up and no boys, so my swimming coach suggested that I might be able to do the drama department more good than I was doing the swimming team.
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