A Quote by Elisabeth Moss

I feel like women still deal with dressing appropriately for the office. It's by choice - you don't want to sexualize yourself too much. You want to be respected. You want to be taken seriously, and there's certain things in our culture, if you do, if you wear, you won't be taken seriously.
I'd like to do more dramatic roles but I would never give up comedy to do it. I've seen a lot of actors that do a complete 180 degrees and say: "I'm done with comedy, I want to be taken seriously." I take my comedy very seriously and I want to be taken seriously because of my comedy. I think it's more fun for me. I enjoy laughing and attempting to make people laugh. So I'd like to do more drama but I'd never do the 180 thing.
I want to be taken seriously as the type of musician that plays stuff like an electric rake. I mean, how seriously do you take someone like Spike Jones? They take him pretty seriously - a really good musician who made a great contribution in terms of humor, which is part of what I try to do too.
The incarnation is “a kind of vast joke whereby the Creator of the ends of the earth comes among us in diapers Until we too have taken the idea of the God-man seriously enough to be scandalized by it, we have not taken it as seriously as it demands to be taken.
If you want to be taken seriously and gain credibility, you really do have to try and write yourself. I don't want to do an album of covers and stuff.
I was always a feminist. My mother was a feminist; my grandmother was a feminist. I always understood women had to fight very hard to do what they wanted to do in the world - that it wasn't an easy choice. But I think the most important part is that we all want the right to be taken seriously as human beings, and to use our talents without reservation, and that's still not possible for women.
In my experience, women who are taken seriously take themselves seriously. It's not what you wear.
It's really weird to be taken seriously for what you're wearing. It makes me want to wear a uniform.
If you want to go around saying that giving women the vote wrecked the country and still be taken seriously, it helps to be handing out $100 bills.
Camp is art that proposes itself seriously, but cannot be taken altogether seriously because it is 'too much.
Much of the present difficulty in industrial relations arises from the fact that too many employers as well as too many legislators take the Labor Leader more seriously than he deserves to be taken, while taking the ordinary, everyday, middle-of-the-road wage-earner less seriously than he deserves to be taken.
The heel I want to be is real mouthy, which is fine, but I want to be a guy that can be taken seriously to win the world title.
If you really want to seriously think about life, and therefore take painting very seriously... and take seriously the joys that it can bring to one, then you want to go to museums. You want to study the great of the past.
I just want to be a nice girl from the Midwest - I don't want to have to act like a heavy to be taken seriously, and I resent that I have to be so pushy and political sometimes just to do my job.
If there's anything I hate more than not being taken seriously, it's being taken too seriously.
I want to be taken seriously as a musician.
I want to be taken seriously as an actress.
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