A Quote by Ellen DeGeneres

Haiku sounds like I'm Saying hi to someone named Ku. Hi, Ku. Hello. — © Ellen DeGeneres
Haiku sounds like I'm Saying hi to someone named Ku. Hi, Ku. Hello.
Some of my best experiences have been at KU and I'm thankful for my teammates, coaches and all the people that support KU.
The simple combination of letters and sounds you select as a name for your baby can result in a life of carefree coolness or decades of expensive therapy. Hi, I'm Jake versus Hi, I'm... Tapioca
When people say hello to me, I feel like maybe I know them from somewhere, because they say, like, 'Hi! How are you?' And I'm like, 'Oh, hi!' And then I realize, 'Oh, no, they just think they know me because they watched me in a movie.' Which is cool, but definitely not a normal thing.
As a Middle Eastern male, I know there's certain things I'm not supposed to say on an airplane in the U.S., right? I'm not supposed to be walking down the aisle, and be like, 'Hi, Jack.' That's not cool. Even if I'm there with my friend named Jack, I say, 'Greetings, Jack. Salutations, Jack.' Never 'Hi, Jack.'
My phone buzzes. It’s from Karou: a list of conversation openers that I won’t be needing. —a) Hi. I’m Zuzana. I’m actually a marionette brought to life by the Blue Fairy, and the only way I can gain a soul is if a human falls in love with me. Help a puppet out? —b) Hi. I’m Zuzana. The touch of my lips imparts immortality. Just sayin’. —c) Hi. I’m Zuzana. I think I might like you.
Fame can be just so annoying because people are so critical of you. You can't just say, 'hi'. You say hi and people whisper' man did you see the way she said hi? What an attitude.
Fame can be just so annoying because people are so critical of you. You can't just say "hi". You say hi and people whisper "Man, did you see the way she said Hi. What an attitude."
I was a very shy child. I remember being in a kindergarten open house with my mother and children saying 'Hi' to me, and I still remember feeling this way - but I don't know why - but I wouldn't even say 'Hi' back. I was that shy.
It is a little weird now, going over to Heath's place. It's like, 'Hi Heath, hi Nomes.' Very strange!
Growing up, I didn't know my parents were famous. I just thought they knew everybody. Everyone was always saying, 'Hi, Billy,' 'Hi, Christie.' I thought they were just popular.
I'd like to find someone to procreate with - as sexy as that sounds. If you're out and about and fit the description, come up and say hi. I won't bite. Well, maybe a little, if you're lucky.
Hi," he says. "I'm Daniel." "Hi," I reply. "I'm June.
I do a lot of conferences, and I did a campaign with the Cerebral Palsy Foundation called "Just Say Hi." They get celebrities to record little messages about how you start a conversation with someone who has a disability, which is to "Just say hi."
When you go to a football game and someone offers you a beer [...], they're really saying hi, have a glass of extroversion.
If your only nice to the people that are nice to you, big deal; what do you want, a gist certificate? Everyone does that. And if you only say "hi" in the hall to the people that say hi to you, what are doing more than anyone else? Maybe you know people who are different when they're alone than when they're with their friends. they might say "hi" to you if your alone, but with a group they act like they've never seen you.
Fine. Everybody wears seatbelts. No radio. No distractions.” Ben shot Hi a stern look. “No running commentary.” “Your loss,” Hi said. “To the pimp ride!
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