A Quote by Eloisa James

Life does not always gives us the choices that we want — © Eloisa James
Life does not always gives us the choices that we want

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God's Word does provide life lessons to teach us how to live. And it gives us beautiful poetry that gives voice to our human experience. And, yes, it does give us clear boundaries of what we should and shouldn't do so we can live our best lives.
Because God loves us, he gives us the freedom to make choices. That's good news if we choose wisely. But it also gives us the capacity to sin.
The life of a family is filled with beautiful moments: rest, meals together, walks in the park or the countryside, visits to grandparents or to a sick person... But if love is missing, joy is missing, nothing is fun. Jesus gives always gives us that love: he is its endless source. In the sacrament he gives us his word and he gives us the bread of life, so that our joy may be complete.
Change your meanings you alter your destiny. Life does not give us what we want. Life gives us whatever we expect.
Practicing yoga does not eliminate life’s challenges, and neither does it provide us with a convenient trap-door to escape from life’s distractions. Instead, Yoga gives us the skills to meet life head-on with dignity and poise.
I do believe in fate, Anne-not the blind fate that gives one no freedom of choice, but a fate that sets down a pattern for each of our lives and gives us choices, numerous choices, by which to find that pattern and be happy.
Life does not always give you what you want, but if you look closely you will see that it gives what you need for growth.
Life gives us choices. You either grab on with both hands and just go for it, or you sit on the sidelines.
I think that God gives you your own will and choices. I don't believe that we're supposed to drag ourselves through life defeated and not see God's blessings. But you have to make the right choices and follow that still, small voice within you. Because I think that's how God leads us.
People who do not see their choices do not believe they have choices. They tend to respond automatically, blindly influenced by their circumstances and conditioning. Mindfulness, by helping us notice our impulses before we act, gives us the opportunity to decide whether to act and how to act.
Your life is a mirror. Life gives us not what we want. Life gives us who we are
The right to life is not a woman's issue. The Lord is the giver of life and only He can make choices about life. It is always a reward to have life ... only the Lord gives and takes life.
God does not give us overcoming life; He gives us life as we overcome.
God is good whether or not His choices seem right to us, whether or not we feel it, whether or not it seems true, and whether or not He gives us everything that we want.
When we generally make healthy choices about food (or wise choices about life), we tend to move in the right direction, living as we believe God wants us to live. If we make an intentional exception for a special treat or for a diversion, that might not be a big deal. But if we step off the best path, we're tempted to detour into more unwise choices. In that case, your decision does matter.
God gives us what we want. For people who want nothing to do with peace, joy, reconciliation and peace... God will give you what you want. I see people make unbelievably destructive choices.
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