A Quote by Elon Musk

I think it's very important to have a feedback loop, where you're constantly thinking about what you've done and how you could be doing it better. I think that's the single best piece of advice: constantly think about how you could be doing things better and questioning yourself.
I think that's the single best piece of advice: constantly think about how you could be doing things better and questioning yourself.
I think it's very important to have a feedback loop, where you're constantly thinking about what you've done and how you could be doing it better.
I think it's better to find somebody who's worse at everything than you. It just makes you constantly feel so good about yourself. And then, you can constantly talk about how good you are at everything, and how terrible they are at everything.
I used to read more when I was a kid than I do now. It was all sort of fuel for the fire to teach you how to think and how to make things and it informed the architecture that I was doing. It's better coming in with that history and that kind of knowledge and depth of understanding of humanity that is very important for building buildings - for understanding people and how they should live and how you could make your lives better and stuff like that.
We learnt a lot from doing Panto, actually back when we were still doing 'SMTV: Live.' We learnt how far we could push things and the show was all the better for that. I think that taught us you really have to know your audience because you could see how they would react to things.
I think what I've tried to do is make the world a better place. I think that's what's really important. Nobody remembers who sold the most togas in Rome. In terms of legacy, people remember the great villains more than they remember the great heroes. So I think how you feel about yourself is the most significant question. What do you say about yourself when you put your head on the pillow? Are you really proud of what you're doing and the way you're doing it? I think it's really a fundamental question.
I think being a DJ is that thing of learning what makes a crowd move. As a DJ, you're constantly learning. It's like chess or something. After a couple of years, you think you're good, then you see a real DJ that's been doing it for 20 years and they just blow you away. I think that's one of the things I like about DJing: you can get better and better and better.
I tend to have a very analytical mind, I'm constantly thinking about how things can be better or different.
If you think back , the Academy was doing a better job. Think about how many more African Americans were nominated.We need to get better at this. We used to be better at it.
If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a defeatist or negative thought. Since we create through thought, we need to concentrate very strongly on positive thoughts. If you think you can't do something, you can't. But if you think you can, you may be surprised to discover that you can. It is important that our thoughts be constantly for the best that could happen in a situation - for the good things we would like to see happen.
How can we all be better? We can be better by constantly evolving and not saying, Because baseball has always had men, let's make sure we keep it that way. I think we should always challenge ourselves to do things that have never been done.
I am in a frame where I want to enjoy cricket. Of course, I think about my game: how I got out, what I could have done better. But that I think for half-an-hour and that's enough.
There are things that I really find important, and that we need to remind ourselves of. When you think about disability, do you really think about it? Someone who's a full-time trainer or a boxer, someone who's got a major disability, but who doesn't let that get in his way, that's a really good message for someone who is able-bodied. It can make them think, 'Wow, I suppose I could be doing better for myself.'
I'm not very eloquent about things like this, but I think that writing and photography go together. I don't mean that they are related arts, because they're not. But the person doing it, I think, learns from both things about accuracy of the eye, about observation, and about sympathy toward what is in front of you... It's about honesty, or truth telling, and a way to find it in yourself, how to need it and learn from it.
I believe that you become yourself every single day of your life through your choices and how you think. And that's constantly changing every day... You are constantly changing, evolving through your experiences, how you interpret your experiences, and how you choose to do things in the future based on those experiences... Being yourself means you think with your own mind, and you make your own choices and that makes you you.
I think that we as a people are always prone to think about, well, tomorrow will be a better day. Well, why will it be a better day? And I think the more that we believe in doing things better, doing the right thing rather than hoping that that's going to happen, let's make it happen.
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