A Quote by Elon Musk

Silicon Valley has evolved a critical mass of engineers and venture capitalists and all the support structure - the law firms, the real estate, all that - that are all actually geared toward being accepting of startups.
Outsiders think of Silicon Valley as a success story, but in truth, it is a graveyard. Failure.. is Silicon Valley's greatest strength. Every failed product or enterprise is a lesson stored in the collective memory of the country. We not only don't stigmatize failure, sometime we even admire it. Venture Capitalists actually like to see a little failure in the resumes of entrepreneurs.
There's this myopia among American venture capitalists to not go anywhere beyond Silicon Valley and New York.
Venture capitalists Justin Caldbeck of Binary Capital, Steve Jurvetson of DFJ, and Dave McClure of 500 Startups all left their firms following accusations of misconduct.
Unfortunately, a lot of Silicon Valley venture capitalists are disconnected from African Americans, Latinos, and other people of color.
Geeks are a critical driver of America's innovation ecosystem, from the entrepreneurs launching startups in Silicon Valley to the scientists experimenting in university research labs to the whiz kids building gadgets in their parents' garages.
The energy in Silicon Valley is because of the very talented engineers immigrating from around the world, especially Indians and Chinese. They are the best engineers, and Japan doesn't have enough of them.
It's often lost in most Silicon Valley startups, the importance of storytelling when most people are thinking about they assemble their team and the critical functions that the team needs to be successful. Storytelling is normally not on the list.
I've actually found the image of Silicon Valley as a hotbed of money-grubbing tech people to be pretty false, but maybe that's because the people I hang out with are all really engineers.
Most competition in Silicon Valley now heads toward there being one monopolistic winner.
Not many venture firms have people whose job is to read academic research - on startups, ventures, and entrepreneurs - and gather knowledge from that.
Indian software engineers are the best in the world; even in Silicon Valley, the best software engineers are Indians.
Silicon Valley has some of the smartest engineers and technology business people in the world.
Silicon Valley's long-running track record of creating globally disruptive startups is the envy of the world.
Minority founders often feel like they are on the outside looking in when it comes to Silicon Valley and tech startups in general.
Silicon Valley is actually a prime target for an ICBM missile strike. It occurred to me as I has touring Apple Park that if I was concerned about Americans' safety and the symbol of America's future I would think that those is Silicon Valley as the most vulnerable. That's where you would be attacking the future economy.
Distribution may not matter in fictional worlds, but it matters in most. The Field of Dreams conceit is especially popular in Silicon Valley, where engineers are biased toward building cool stuff rather than selling it. But customers will not come just because you build it. You have to make this happen, and it's harder than it looks.
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