A Quote by Elon Musk

It is true that SpaceX is partially a government contractor, but it would be unfair to say that SpaceX is entirely a government contractor. — © Elon Musk
It is true that SpaceX is partially a government contractor, but it would be unfair to say that SpaceX is entirely a government contractor.
I do want to make something clear: SpaceX does have a lot of government business, but we execute in a commercial fashion.
SpaceX has the potential of saving the U.S. government $1 billion a year. We are opposed to creating an entrenched monopoly with no realistic means for anyone to compete.
The federal government began investigating allegations of fraud against the Coalition Provisional Authority, a U.S. contractor accused in a bid-rigging operation involving millions of dollars. Asked to comment, a spokesperson for Halliburton said, 'Millions? With an M? That is adorable.'
Prince Charming can go suck rocks. I've met my true love and he's a contractor
It was a real business. And actually from a taxpayer's perspective, every taxpayer should want more Drakens. We were able to do so much more for the government for like one-tenth the price. We need more of that, and that's exactly what Elon is doing at SpaceX by the way.
As director of CIA, I was responsible for everything done in the agency's name, and it didn't matter whether that was done by an agency employee, a government contractor, a liaison service on our behalf, or a source on our behalf.
I feel very strongly that SpaceX would not have been able to get started, nor would we have made the progress that we have, without the help of NASA.
The Government cannot afford to have a country made up entirely of rich people, because rich people pay so little tax that the Government would quickly go bankrupt. This is why Government men always tell us that labor is man's noblest calling. Government needs labor to pay its upkeep.
China is a government-oriented economy. No one can say he can run his business entirely without government connections. Anybody who says that he or she can do things alone... is a hypocrite.
I started SpaceX with the expectation of failure.
What was to be a relatively innocuous federal government, operating from a defined enumeration of specific grants of power, has become an ever-present and unaccountable force. It is the nation’s largest creditor, debtor, lender, employer, consumer, contractor, grantor, property owner, tenant, insurer, health-care provider, and pension guarantor. Moreover, with aggrandized police powers, what it does not control directly it bans or mandates by regulation.
I've been a SpaceX fanboy for a long time.
As a former Apollo astronaut, I think it's safe to say that SpaceX and the other commercial developers embody the 21st century version of the Apollo frontier spirit.
I was a general contractor when I was paying for my first record.
SpaceX lowered the cost of going into space by 10x.
I never intended to be a defense contractor in the first place.
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