A Quote by Emma Watson

I do worry about the expectation to look a certain way. — © Emma Watson
I do worry about the expectation to look a certain way.
For most women, whether you're an actress or whatever you do, there is this pressure in society and within the world to look a certain way, dress a certain way, act a certain way, say certain things, and be this idea as opposed to being a person.
I worry an awful lot about people and how they're faring. When I worry about people, whether their job is squashing their spirit, pushing them into a darker pathway of not feeling good about their life, that forces me to look for what's good. What's going well. That stokes a lot of positive feelings. Although I do worry, I look for the hope.
Maryland's different than Virginia. Maryland has certain advantages that Virginia doesn't have and certain disadvantages... We should just worry about ourselves and not worry about comparisons.
You have to be willing to look a certain way, and hold your body a certain way, until you get to where you want to go - I'm talking about musically, now.
I always try and put out posts on social media about feeling good inside, and there's so much pressure for people to look a certain way and have a certain hairstyle or a certain lipstick.
When I was younger, I felt very much like, 'Oh, I have to be a certain way, I have to look a certain way.' You really, really don't. That's the way women are treated differently than men. I mean, I've had actors argue with me about this.
Almost everyone seems to worry about something, and yet, we rarely talk about worry as a problem. Maybe that is because worry is so integrated into the way we have come to live and be in the world that we don't even notice it.
When mortals are alive, they worry about death. When they're full, they worry about hunger. Theirs is the Great Uncertainty. But sages don't consider the past. And they don't worry about the future. Nor do they cling to the present. And from moment to moment they follow the Way.
If you have the expectation that I have to be a certain way, then I feel the obligation to be that way. The truth is I am not what you want me to be.
I am quite 'natural' in the sense that I do not worry too much about the way I look, and I like a casual look. I do not wear make-up if I do not need to.
With 'Boxer,' we made the kind of music we wanted to make and didn't really worry about what the expectation was.
It is out of fashion in these days to look backward rather than forward. About the only American given to it is some unreconstructed Southerner, who persists in his regard for a certain terrain, a certain history, and a certain inherited way of living.
In all honesty, I grew up a certain way. I never had to worry about money... that was my reality.
In all honesty, I grew up a certain way. I never had to worry about money. That was my reality.
I try not to worry about what that's going to look like. If you worry about looking stupid, that's when you look really stupid.
Something pretty... that's just the surface. People worry so much about aging, but you look younger if you don't worry about it.
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