A Quote by Enrique Pena Nieto

The state is obliged to fight corruption within the government. — © Enrique Pena Nieto
The state is obliged to fight corruption within the government.
Do not think that you can fight corruption without while you let corruption fester within.
I am calling upon all of you to come out and fight corruption and agree to support the government in fighting corruption as our first priority.
When you fight corruption, corruption strikes back and that is the truth because when you fight corruption, you get confidence and when it gets to impunity, then it gets aggressive and says, 'oh, so you think you are different? You think you are tough and different?' This is why some of us are almost permanently in the libel court.
Religious institutions that use government power in support of themselves and force their views on persons of other faiths, or of no faith, undermine all our civil rights. Moreover, state support of an established religion tends to make the clergy unresponsive to their own people, and leads to corruption within religion itself. Erecting the 'wall of separation between church and state,' therefore, is absolutely essential in a free society.
Public corruption is the FBI's top criminal priority. The threat - which involves the corruption of local, state, and federally elected, appointed, or contracted officials - strikes at the heart of government, eroding public confidence and undermining the strength of our democracy.
Full statehood in Delhi is a larger issue as compared to anti-corruption. For, only when the Delhi government gets its anti-corruption bureau back will it get the power of suspension and vigilance inquiries on corrupt officers of different departments of the government. That is how you can curb the corruption.
Government Picking Winners and Losers = Corruption. When government tries to pick winners and losers, the inevitable consequence is corruption. Yes, corruption. If not in a legal sense, certainly in a moral sense
Lokpal Bill alone is not adequate to fight corruption. We need a comprehensive anti-corruption code in this country. The UPA Government has developed a powerful anti-corruption frame work consisting of eight new Central laws...... This is not about one Bill, this is about a frame work and we want to deliver that frame work to the country
The fight against corruption is not bound to high-profile arrests and high-profile investigations. The fight against corruption is successful if you prevent corruption taking place in the first place.
I want to say that this business of corruption and the fight against corruption is a very serious matter, and sometimes I'm amazed that very little is being said outside of those who are saying so in government. It's an existential matter. I don't know whether it is possible to overemphasize the point, but I think it's a very crucial matter.
There are few genuine conservatives within the U.S. political system, and it is a sign of the intellectual corruption of the age that the honorable term 'conservatism' can be appropriated to disguise the advocacy of a powerful, lawless, aggressive and violent state, a welfare state for the rich dedicated to a lunatic form of Keynesian economic intervention that enhances state and private power while mortgaging the country's future.
In its exterior relations - abroad - this government is the sole and exclusive representative of the united majesty, sovereignty, and power of the States, constituting this great and glorious Union. To the rest of the world, we are one. Neither State nor State government is known beyond our borders. Within, it is different.
Corruption has been tolerated for too long now, and with Buhari, we will, for the first time ever, have a president who will fight corruption. He will act so that people will be deterred from corruption.
The real cost of corruption in government, whether it is local, state, or federal, is a loss of the public trust.
New York voters agree on this: There is too much corruption in government - federal, state, and local.
Corruption in Saudi Arabia is quite different from corruption in most other countries, as it is not limited to a 'bribe' in return for a contract, or expensive gift for the family member of a government official or prince, or use of a private jet that is charged to the government so a family can go on vacation.
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