A Quote by Eric Bischoff

I'd like to manage someone, a young talent that maybe doesn't have the mic skills. — © Eric Bischoff
I'd like to manage someone, a young talent that maybe doesn't have the mic skills.
You need talent, dedication, skills, perseverance and so many other things to become successful. If you think you are very talented but someone needs to unveil your talent, then you are living in a fool's paradise. You have to prove yourself every day.
I'd like to actually work with a lot of other people, and whether it's someone who is completely unknown who I love and think is a talent, maybe I'll work with them, or, like, maybe I'll work with some of the biggest pop stars and write music for them.
Usually a manager is put with someone who has got good rings skills, but is not necessarily good on the mic. So I have no idea why they put me with Steve Austin, he didn't need any help!
I like to have a great vibe wherever I am creating. I like to have movies playing on mute - just eye candy - maybe a friend in the room, maybe a lovely young lady, someone you can use as a muse, who can give you inspiration by her essence.
Emotional intelligence in the work that we do, in the Resolving Conflict Creatively Program, is about equipping young people with the kinds of skills they need to both identify and manage their emotions, to communicate those emotions effectively, and to resolve conflict nonviolently. So it's a whole set of skills and competencies that, for us, fall under the umbrella of emotional intelligence.
I don't even have any good skills. You know like nunchuck skills, bow hunting skills, computer hacking skills. Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills!
Maybe I could manage someone and be the female Paul Heyman.
Well, I definitely have an artistic side to me as well. I write, I act, I draw. With that artistic mind I have, a lot of doors have opened for me. I can try to pursue, like - if it's something using my writing skills, maybe a book. Or maybe if it's my drawing skills, some clothing designs.
In terms of the coaching aspect and things like that, I've always been someone that prides themselves in helping young talent.
Creativity follows mastery, so mastery of skills is the first priority for young talent.
Everyone has some kind of talent, something they are good at, or something that energizes them and excites them. When you see a little spark of talent and love for something, no matter how young a person is, encourage it. Letting someone know that their talent is special and they are special, can change and determine the trajectory of a life.
I initially moved to San Francisco to become a research associate for one of the top young heart surgeons in the country. Everything that I learned in that position is that skills, talent, and expertise are transferable.
With success it's like 60% talent, maybe 20% luck and then 20% being at the right place at the right time. There are so many artists that have been passed by - even though, on paper, they're the most incredibly talented artists, they don't have the social skills to take it outside of the bedroom.
One time, it was really funny, I was going on stage... and they were like, 'Oh, we didn't mic the puppet! Mic the puppet!' So, that's how I know that sometimes I do a very good job, because they think that the puppet is actually, like, real.
Maybe I need a catchphrase. Maybe I need a t-shirt that'll be a big sell. Maybe I need to do more with my in-ring skills. There was always something in my head like, 'I can improve this and I can improve that.'
Everybody has talent and it's just a matter of moving around until you've discovered what it is. A talent is a combination of something you love a great deal and something you can lose yourself in - something that you can start at 9 o'clock, look up from your work and it's 10 o'clock at night - and also something that you have a talent, not a talent for, but skills that you have a natural ability to do very well. And usually those two things go together.
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