A Quote by Eric Hoffer

Unlimited opportunities can be as potent a cause of frustration as a paucity or lack of opportunities. — © Eric Hoffer
Unlimited opportunities can be as potent a cause of frustration as a paucity or lack of opportunities.
Opportunities, creative ideas or the lack of them, happiness, frustration, brilliance, talent, success and failure - all are determined by the state of mind that you're in.
Tennis is a small window. You're not going to have unlimited chances, unlimited opportunities. You can't waste time.
The diagnosis that poverty, lack of education, or lack of opportunities have much to do with terrorism requires a fundamentally optimistic view of human nature. This diagnosis leads to the prognosis that all we need to do to solve the terrorism problem is to create societies that are less poor, better educated and have more opportunities.
But when you talk about the education and you talk about the lack of recreation for kids to do, I mean, it's second to none in New Orleans when you talk about the lack of opportunities for young people. And it's not just black kids, it's white kids. It's Asian kids. I had Vietnamese kids in my class that had lack of opportunities.
People haunted by the purposelessness of their lives try to find a new content not only by dedicating themselves to a holy cause but also by nursing a fanatical grievance. A mass movement offers them unlimited opportunities for both.
I'm a recording artist who's traveled around the world so I have different opportunities than other people and people may decide how I should use my opportunities because my opportunities are public whereas I can't decide how people should use their opportunities because their opportunities are private. That's what we're dealing with - people feeling like they should be able to control celebrities.
When it comes to giving love, the opportunities are unlimited, and we are all gifted.
WWE presents me with unlimited opportunities and possibilities. No dream seems unachievable.
God, or a source of divinity, put together a map for our lives. That map includes opportunities-not outcomes-but opportunities. And those opportunities are contracts [or] agreements-not that our ego or personality made, but our soul did.
You need only examine your present situation to discover unlimited resources and opportunities.
You are living in a time when opportunities for self-empowerment, expanded awareness and spiritual growth appear to be unlimited.
To the young girl who fails to see opportunities around her: Awaken the intellectual curiosity within you. Go on, search for those opportunities and chase after them! Because when you are curious and in 'search mode,' you will meet a lot of people and learn, and when you find opportunities, you will be exhilarated rather than overwhelmed.
If the white man can come here uneducated and as an immigrant, and within 10 or 15 years set up an industry that provides job opportunities and educational opportunities for black people, then if the black man, the black leadership, who has access to all of this money and has all of these degrees today, can't use his talent and his know-how to set up business opportunities, job opportunities, housing opportunities for the black people the same as the white leaders have done for white people, then these black leaders need to get off the boat.
We need to help companies find profit opportunities abroad, not photo opportunities.
You're only as good as your opportunities in this game and you're lucky to get some opportunities.
Don't allow missed opportunities of the past interfere with the opportunities that are right before you.
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