You can't betray yourself too often, or you become somebody else.
When you betray somebody else, you also betray yourself.
You've got to be willing to stay committed to someone over the long run, and sometimes it doesn't work out. But often if you become real honest with yourself and honest with each other, and put aside whatever personal hurt and disappointment you have to really understand yourself and your spouse, it can be the most wonderful experience you've ever had.
I am hard on myself. But isn't it better to be honest about these things before someone else can use them against you? Before someone else can break your heart? Isn't it better to break it yourself?
Often, overeating is a way to punish yourself for the anger and resentment you're feeling - either at yourself or someone else.
Betray a friend, and you'll often find you have ruined yourself.
I have often spoken of integrity as the most important of these values, realizing that integrity – and personal integrity, at that – is being honest to yourself. If you are always honest to yourself, it does not take much effort in always being honest with others.
First, do not betray yourself. Second, do not betray those you lead.
Love is being honest with yourself at all times being honest with the other person at all times telling, listening, respecting the truth and never pretending Love is the source of reality
I can't betray anyone. I don't know what it's like to really betray someone. I'm very loyal to my circle, my family, and those I hold close to me.
It's important to reinvent yourself often, because if you don't, someone else will and squash you like a bug.
I think of love as an action. Finding something that's outside of yourself, to serve someone else's soul, helping to ignite someone else's spirit, to bring about ease of heart and joy, serenity in somebody else.
It's wrong to deprive someone else of a pleasure so that you can enjoy one yourself, but to deprive yourself of a pleasure so that you can add to someone else's enjoyment is an act of humanity by which you always gain more than you lose.
I hope you're proud of yourself for the times you've said "yes," when all it meant was extra work for you and was seemingly helpful only to someone else.
One possible sign of low self-esteem is suppressing parts of yourself so you can fill someone else's expectations of what you should be. You try to fill someone else's (or your own) prescription of perfection, instead of being yourself and embracing your originality.
There are times when I get really depressed, when I'm going through difficult times and when I want someone to hold my hand. Sometimes I'll think, 'Forget it. I want to be this way.' I often feel that way. But when we started the Love Yourself World Tour, I stopped having those thoughts.