A Quote by Eric Trump

People think we're only into big buildings, but iconic houses have always been the real interest. We own 11 of the world's top hotels and all the support services needed to keep them running. Trump properties have to be the best - clubs, hotels, houses.
We spent all day travelling, living away from the people you love, not sleep in our own bed ... We are far from our own houses. We live in hotels, clubs. And now that I am a father it is much more difficult.
I always worked in institutions, I never had a restaurant of my own before, but I have opened over 30 hotels, restaurants and casinos. I understand what it takes to keep them running.
We're banned from a whole lot of hotels, and we're running out of hotels we can stay in.
Truthfully, I despise hotels. I've had such better experiences staying at people's houses and guesthouses; it's so much more comfortable and homey.
While I was designing my home, I was living in different houses all around the world, and I saw thermostats that were just as bad as the ones in the U.S., or houses that needed them but didn't have them. I realised that this was a worldwide problem. I thought, 'Let's fix it.'
Donald Trump is an archetypal grifter. Using the presidency to promote your golf courses, hotels, and real estate business is grifting. So is getting people to pay a premium for buildings with your name in big, gold letters. Licensing your name is what every grifter dreams about.
Due to my work, I tend to stay in hotels a lot of the time, and I generally prefer smaller hotels, as you tend to get better service than in the larger hotels.
I don't think all buildings have to be iconic, but the history of the world has shown us that cultures build iconic buildings for their major public buildings.
Frankly, there are better things for me to invest in than these hotels. Stewards are really needed for these kind of properties - instead of investors.
For the Trump brand name, when we build, we want only the best buildings in the world. We travel a lot to see real estate projects worldwide, and we always study what can be done better. There's no question about it: a Trump Tower has to have the very best quality, amenities and facilities. People want that ultra-luxurious lifestyle.
My favorite hotels are anything Aman, because their properties are always so beautiful.
Some hotels are trying to dig their feet in and trying to say that Airbnb shouldn't exist - that 'illegal hotels' shouldn't exist. And, of course, illegal hotels shouldn't exist. But when they say illegal hotels, sometimes they mean anything that's not a hotel.
I started this career because I loved doing houses. I'd done three of my own and I couldn't keep on moving my family all the time, so I decided to decorate other people's homes and buildings.
They walked still farther and the girl said, "Is it true that long ago firemen put fires out instead of going to start them?" No. Houses have always been fireproof, take my word for it." Strange. I heard once that a long time ago houses used to burn by accident and they needed firemen to stop the flames.
The worst side effect of wealth is the social associations it forces on its victims, as people with big houses end up socializing with other people with big houses.
I love hotels. I generally prefer smaller boutique hotels to large chains, especially when attention and wit has been given to interesting design elements and beautiful bathrooms.
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