A Quote by Eric Weiner

I've always believed that happiness is just around the corner. The trick is fining the right corner. — © Eric Weiner
I've always believed that happiness is just around the corner. The trick is fining the right corner.
Everyone everywhere live[s] a confused, bitter search. Reality never matched their dreams; happiness was just around the corner - a corner they never turned. And the source of it all [is] the human mind.
Love is just around the corner Any cozy little corner Love is just around the corner When I'm around you
What's around the corner is always more exciting than the corner that I'm on, unfortunately.
I grew up in the middle of a block where there was an Irish grocery store on one corner, an Italian bar on another corner and the Nazi Party was on the third corner.
Happiness is excitement that has found a settling down place, but there is always a little corner that keeps flapping around.
Cafu was a leader on and off the pitch and it was he who invented the concept of right-backs running from corner to corner.
I like to believe that you don't need to reach a certain goal to be happy. I prefer to think that happiness is always there, and that when things don't go the way we might like them to, it's a sign from above that something even better is right around the corner.
I've never been a depressive, but I felt quite close to the edge at times. But you never know what's around the corner. Mercifully, what's around the corner is joy.
In Formula 1 there is so much grip, you can attack the corner so hard and be so aggressive in corner entries, and that doesn't really work in IndyCar. You have to bring that back a bit and be more precise in the mid-corner to exit.
If I'm in a corner, I like my corner. It's the coolest corner I've ever been in.
I think that just sitting down and having casual conversation is the hardest stuff to do. But the extremes? I know what it feels like to come racing around the corner at 90 miles an hour, sliding the car sideways. I know what gear I'm hitting it in when I'm coming around the corner and where I need to downshift. So to me, that's the fun stuff.
'The bigtime for you is just around the corner.' They told me that first in 1952 - boy, it's been a long corner. If I don't hit the bigtime in the next 25 or 30 years, I'm gonna pack in the music business and become a full-time gigolo.
The bigtime for you is just around the corner. They told me that first in 1952 - boy, its been a long corner. If I dont hit the bigtime in the next 25 or 30 years, Im gonna pack in the music business and become a full-time gigolo.
Libertarianism is neither of the left nor of the right. It is unique. It is sui generis. It is apart from left and right. The left right political spectrum simply has no room for libertarianism. Think of an equilateral triangle, with libertarianism at one corner, the left at a second corner and the right at the third corner. We are equally distant from both of those misbegotten political economic philosophies. No, better yet, think in terms of an isosceles triangle, with us at the top and the two of them at the bottom, indicating they have more in common with each other than with us.
The real reality is always just around the corner.
My neighborhood, Coconut Grove, we always played in the streets. It was corner against corner. We all had football teams. Different neighborhoods.
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