A Quote by Erica Jong

Betrayal betrays the betrayer. — © Erica Jong
Betrayal betrays the betrayer.

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Anyone who promises that everything can be made the way it used to be with the recipes of the past betrays in reality the people he claims to represent. We must never participate in this betrayal and we must never allow this betrayal.
Our faith in others betrays that we would rather have faith in ourselves. Our longing for a friend is our betrayer. And often with our love we want merely to overcome envy. And often we attack and make ourselves enemies, to conceal that we are vulnerable.
From tender youth we are told by father and teacher that betrayal is the most heinous offence imaginable. But what is betrayal??Betrayal means breaking ranks and breaking off into the unknown. Sabina knew of nothing more magnificent than going off into the unknown.
One thing I am certain of, I do not want to be betrayed, but thats quite hard to say casually, at the beginning of a relationship. It’s not a word people use very often, which confuses me, because there are different kinds of infidelity, but betrayal is betrayal wherever you find it. By betrayal, I mean promising to be on your side, and then being on somebody else’s.
March is the month of expectation, The things we do not know, The Persons of Prognostication Are coming now. We try to sham becoming firmness, But pompous joy Betrays us, as his first betrothal Betrays a boy.
Trust is not established in the absence of betrayal, but in those whose betrayal is least.
For me, I always wonder what's worse: an emotional betrayal or a physical betrayal? That's a really tough call.
A betrayal in a family is much more devastating than a betrayal among friends, or even lovers.
No one ever really pays for betrayal in silver....The price of any betrayal always comes due in flesh.
Betrayal of any kind is hard, but betrayal by one's religion is excruciating. It makes you want to rage and weep.
For only when faithfulness turns to betrayal And betrayal into trust Can any human being become part of the truth.
War in the end is always about betrayal, betrayal of the young by the old, of soldiers by politicians, and of idealists by cynics.
I dispute that 'Closer' is about betrayal. Betrayal is one of the elements.
One should rather die than be betrayed. There is no deceit in death. It delivers precisely what it has promised. Betrayal, though ... betrayal is the willful slaughter of hope.
The worship of reason is arrogance and betrays a lack of intelligence. The rejection of reason is cowardice and betrays a lack of faith.
Betrayal is one of my biggest fears. Betrayal happens on many different levels all the time, and there is no worse feeling than realizing someone you thought you could trust has gone against you.
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