A Quote by Erin Davie

Everybody feels like a freak in some way at some time in their life. Or feels on the outside. And everybody is worthy of love. — © Erin Davie
Everybody feels like a freak in some way at some time in their life. Or feels on the outside. And everybody is worthy of love.
Everybody hurts some days. It's okay to be afraid. Everybody hurts, everybody screams. Everybody feels this way.
Not everybody feels religion the same way. Some it's in their mouth, but some it's like a hope in their blood, their bones.
Everybody feels like an outsider at some point in their lives.
And she said 'Losing love is like a window in your heart, Everybody sees you're blown apart, Everybody feels the wind blow.'
There's no story if there isn't some conflict. The memorable things are usually not how pulled together everybody is. I think everybody feels lonely and trapped sometimes. I would think it's more or less the norm.
We are so convinced of the goodness of ourselves, and the goodness of our love, we cannot bear to believe that there might be something more worthy of love than us, more worthy of worship. Greeting cards routinely tell us everybody deserves love. No. Everybody deserves clean water. Not everybody deserves love all the time.
Nobody gets through life without experiencing some form of rejection, which is why everybody knows how awful it feels.
I haven't had to do too many, or many explicit ones. Everybody feels weird, and everybody is trying to tiptoe around and make you think they're not there. The last time I did a love scene, I couldn't keep a straight face.
Love? Why ... it is what everybody feels for everybody else.
Everybody feels like they need a photograph because we're in a generation where, if you don't document it, it didn't occur. So you've got to stop and take a picture with everybody.
I think everybody, at some point, rather feels that they have to shake themselves up somehow.
Everybody was happy my brother was locked up. Not me because I know what it feels like to be in there. It ain't made for everybody, but I knocked a lot of blocks down.
It's a little bit annoying, because it feels like everybody's taking the power away from you. Everybody's taking your adult life away from you. On one level, I used to resent it.
I've talked to other players that have been to the Super Bowl and about what happened the next year. Everybody becomes stars. Everybody feels like, 'I'm the man.'
Even though it's still, annoyingly, something everybody feels the need to bring up to anybody who doesn't look like a model, there are more women now who are super successful and have different body types. You know, like men do. That feels like progress to me.
God descends to earth like fresh spring rain, and at every level his grace is received differently. For some it feels like love, for others like salvation. It feels like safety and warmth at one level, like coming home at another.
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