A Quote by Erin Davie

I think it's really important to follow your intuition and gut, and try not to do things just for the sake of pleasing other people. — © Erin Davie
I think it's really important to follow your intuition and gut, and try not to do things just for the sake of pleasing other people.
I think that being the Bachelorette and being on this side of things, you really have to stay in tune with who you are and follow your gut and follow your heart.
I fail all the time, but we are all just human and imperfect, but you know what's best for you, so follow your gut. That's probably my biggest life lesson, follow your gut.
There's so much noise that's happening in our world, but the little voice that you've always got to listen to is your gut and your intuition, and you can do things and go beyond boundaries, if you to trust that gut and instinct.
What I want to tell people is, you have to believe your gut. You have to find answers from what your gut is telling you. I always work with intuition.
I always believed that when you follow your heart or your gut, when you really follow the things that feel great to you, you can never lose, because settling is the worst feeling in the world.
Songwriting is ... all about intuition - this thing pops into your head for a reason and it's up to you to follow it. It's like there's a spirit, or intuitive network, that comes through all of us, but most people don't take the time to think about it or remember it. These little things pop into our heads - it's just a process of intuition. The initial thought comes in a baby state, and you work on that some more.
Being able to put your blinders on, ignore negative opinions, and follow your strong intuition is what's validating to me. It's a great feeling to know you can trust your gut.
Never give up. I do believe it is harder for female directors. I have been lucky to receive support from the Sundance Institute for my first film. I'm eternally grateful for their support. I think you need to be surrounded artistically and follow your intuition - always follow your intuition.
The only thing I have is instinct and intuition and just staying very, very connected to the moments and try to bring in what your gut is telling you.
If you follow your heart, if you listen to your gut, and if you extend your hand to help another, not for any agenda, but for the sake of humanity, you are going to find the truth.
That's one of the things that is hardest about being the Bachelor. You often have to end relationships that are actually going quite well, just because your time together is up. If other relationships are further along, you have to go with your gut and follow your heart.
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.
One of the most important things is just to be kind to other people. That is absolutely really important to us, and important to me. That's something that you need to help your kids with, for sure.
There's always this joke that I say in Israel: people don't really have discussions; they just try to convince the other people that they are wrong or they are right - they just try to impose their opinion on the others. Sometimes I think it's easier to avoid talking about things and just make music.
Everything I do is just really my intuition, and every time I go against my intuition, it's a mistake. Even though I may sit down and analyze and intellectualize something on paper, if I go against my gut feeling, it's wrong.
People try to force things. It's disastrous. Just leave your mind alone. Your intuition knows what it wants to write, so get out of the way.
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