A Quote by Erin O'Toole

We need to reach out to more Canadians to show them that they could see themselves reflected in our party. — © Erin O'Toole
We need to reach out to more Canadians to show them that they could see themselves reflected in our party.
We need a principled leader who will unite our party by respecting all conservatives. A leader who can show more urban and suburban Canadians that their values of liberty, family and equality are at the core of our party.
I'd like to see more Canadians of diverse backgrounds engaging with parties that line up with their convictions and ideologies to make sure that no party gets to run against Muslim Canadians or any other group of Canadians and demonize them.
As adults, we must ask more of our children than they know how to ask of themselves. What can we do to foster their open-hearted hopefulness, engage their need to collaborate, be an incentive to utilize their natural competency and compassion...show them ways they can connect, reach out, weave themselves into the web of relationships that is called community.
Ultimately, mentorship plays such a big role in breaking directors that successful male directors tend to reach the helping hand to guys who remind them of themselves. We need more women directors so they can reach out to girls who remind them of themselves.
Canadians haven't always seen themselves in our party.
You have the Republican Party, who see themselves in their heart of hearts as being a party of colorblind meritocracy. That's their great belief about themselves. And yet somehow you also have a party where a lot of racial resentment and a camp of even neo-Nazis have set up camp in their party. If you point it out to them, they get mad at you, not at the neo-Nazis.
We have to reach out to younger audiences. They need to see how they can see themselves as black women.
If we spent as much time lifting our children as we do criticizing them, how effectively we could help them to see themselves in a more positive light!
I've always believed we can attract a lot more Canadians to the conservative party by explaining and communicating our policies in a more positive way.
Confronting our feelings and giving them appropriate expression always takes strength, not weakness. It takes strength to acknowledge our anger, and sometimes more strength yet to curb the aggressive urges anger may bring and to channel them into nonviolent outlets. It takes strength to face our sadness and to grieve and to let our grief and our anger flow in tears when they need to. It takes strength to talk about our feelings and to reach out for help and comfort when we need it.
I want deeper connections with the people around me. I need to reach out more. Because not everyone leaves. Sometimes if you reach out, the person you’re trying to reach will be right there waiting.
It would be simply suicidal to French Canadians to form a party by themselves.
We need to show the voters left behind by Trump's tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations that our party represents them and that we're beholden only to them. We've got to give them a reason to go to the polls.
And I could see this boy doing his homework and thinking about my sister naked. And I could see them holding hands at football games that they do not watch. And I could see this boy throwing up in the bushes at a party house. And I could see my sister putting up with it. And I felt very bad for both of them.
To achieve accurate knowledge of others, if such a thing were possible, we could only ever arrive at it through the slow and unsure recognition of our own initial optical inaccuracies. However, such knowledge is not possible: for, while our vision of others is being adjusted, they, who are not made of mere brute matter, are also changing; we think we have managed to see them more clearly, but they shift; and when we believe we have them fully in focus, it is merely our older images of them that we have clarified, but which are themselves already out of date.
The Democratic Party says we're inclusive, but it's clear sometimes we are not as inclusive. People see hypocrisy, they don't see alignment and values, and that's why there's a lack of trust. Moving forward, I want to be part of fighting for the heart and soul of the party saying we need to redefine our values and operationalize them.
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