A Quote by Ernest K. Gann

Nobody who gets too damned relaxed builds up much flying time. — © Ernest K. Gann
Nobody who gets too damned relaxed builds up much flying time.
I'll be damned if we don't find the time to get Linux builds done.
I believe all that God ever revealed, and I never hear of a man being damned for believing too much; but they are damned for unbelief.
Kobe's been criticized unfairly. He's in a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' situation. If he passes too much, they say he's not shooting. If he shoots, he's called selfish.
People make mistakes in life through believing too much, but they have a damned dull time if they believe too little.
Tact is for people with too much damned time on their hands.
Nobody gets to say who we love, or who we lay down beside, or take as our husband, lover, life, or bride. Nobody gets to decide what's for some, that others should hide. Pride. Nobody gets to choose but YOU.
Nobody gets lucky all the time. Nobody can win all the time. Nobody's a robot. Nobody's perfect.
I was at the 1976 Republican Convention in Kansas City. I was running 'Nobody for President' at the time. I printed up these press releases and handed them out to the crowd at the Kemper Arena. 'Nobody keeps campaign promises.' 'Nobody lowers your taxes.' 'Nobody should have that much power.' 'Nobody is in Washington working for you.'
I was really able to confirm something that I knew on some level before I'd made a film. The best actors know how to really relax. Because in film, a lot of the decisions are made in the editing room, so when you're trying to guide your performance too much - always it's a push and pull because you can't be too relaxed. Too relaxed and it's like, "What are you doing?" Too tense and it's not good either.
I'm not falling anymore. That's what L says, and she's right. I guess you could say I'm flying. We both are. And I'm pretty sure somewhere up there in the real blue sky and carpenter bee greatness, Amma's flying, too. We all are, depending on how you look at it. Flying or falling, it's up to us. Because the sky isn't really made of blue paint, and there aren't just two kinds of people in this world, the stupid and the stuck. We only think there are. Don't waste your time with either-with anything. It's not worth it.
You're damned if you're too thin and you're damned if you're too heavy. According to the press I've been both. Its impossible to satisfy everyone and I suggest we stop trying.
You're damned if you're too thin and you're damned if you're too heavy. According to the press, I've been both. It's impossible to satisfy everyone and I suggest we stop trying.
The Land of Faery, Where nobody gets old and godly and grave, Where nobody gets old and crafty and wise, Where nobody gets old and bitter of tongue.
It has a lot to do with just sort of trust in the relationship that builds between the filmmaker and the subject. There are some people who will never be relaxed in front of a camera, and in some ways that's my failing as a filmmaker to not put them at ease. It's also a function of time, and if you have that type of time.
I'm not human, Ms. Deveraux. In case you haven't noticed, I'm one of the damned. (Valerius) Baby, open your eyes and look around. We're all damned in one way or another. But damned is a far cry from dead. And you live like you're dead. (Tabitha) I'm that, too. (Valerius)
We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch tv too much. We have multiplied our possessions but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often. We've learned how to make a living but not a life. We've added years to life, not life to years.
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