A Quote by Esther Hicks

Most people are rowing against the current of life. Instead of turning the boat around, all they need to do is let go of the oars. — © Esther Hicks
Most people are rowing against the current of life. Instead of turning the boat around, all they need to do is let go of the oars.
I thought when I became a Christian I had nothing to do but just to lay my oars in the bottom of the boat and float along. But I soon found that I would have to go against the current.
Everything that we want is downstream... And you don't have even have to turn the boat and paddle downstream, just let go of the oars, the current will carry you.
One of the most crucial but hardest things to do as part of turning your life around is to get rid of all the negative people around you and replace them with people who encourage you instead.
I was rowing the boat alone against a tide, running against an incumbent in 2013.
I started rowing in December 1995. The place was Association Nautique Faontainbleau in France. A friend of mine from middle school told me that I should join him 3 times a week for rowing because my hands were so big that I would'nt require oars to row.
Don't be afraid to go against the current, when they want to steal our hope, when they propose rotten values to us, values like food that has gone bad-and when food has gone bad it makes us sick, these values make us sick. We have to go against the current! And you, young people, be the first: Go against the grain and be proud of going against the grain. Go on, be brave and go against the current! And be proud of doing it!
The ship's boards were still sticky with new resin. We leaned over the railing to wave our last farewell, the sun-warm wood pressed against our bellies. The sailors heaved up the anchor, square and chalky with barnacles, and loosened the sails. Then they took their seats at the oars that fringed the boat like eyelashes, waiting for the count. The drums began to beat, and the oars lifted and fell, taking us to Troy.
You don't paddle against the current, you paddle with it. And if you get good at it, you throw away the oars.
As Einstein himself pointed out. He said we’re like people in a boat without oars drifting along a winding river. Around us we see only the present. We can’t see the past, back in the bends and curves behind us. But it’s there.
On one of our very first days when we tried rowing, our coach, James Mangan, showed us a video of the Boat Race. That was part of the impetus for us to start rowing.
It was like swimming against a current that swept you backwards however hard you struggled, and then suddenly deciding to turn round and go with the current instead of opposing it. Nothing had changed except your own attitude: the predestined thing happened in any case.
It is admirably remarked, by a most excellent writer, that zeal can no more hurry a man to act in direct opposition to itself than a rapid stream can carry a boat against its own current.
Without fear and disease, my life would be like a boat without oars.
The most likely possibility, favored by current data, is that the universe will die in Ice, not Fire. However, personally I believe that trillions of years from now, we (if we are still around) will have the technology to leave the universe, perhaps in an interdimensional life boat, and move to a warmer universe.
There are always a lot of people so afraid of rocking the boat that they stop rowing. We can never get ahead that way.
I had a constant fascination with the darkside. It is another world, bordering on insanity, and demonic possession, or what I thought was my own Soul Bending personal nirvana. Its good to be back in the middle of the boat, instead of hanging on for dear life in the last life boat.
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